The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)

Page A2 THE DAILY INTER LAKE Saturday, December 8, -MONTANA- Daybook TODAY Expect short travel delays today and Sunday around the Flathead County Courthouse on U.S. 93 due to a road striping project by the Montana Department of Transportation. Red.Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Whitefish Stage, Kalispell. Bring your pet to Murdoch's in Kalispell today from 10 a.m.

to 2 p.m. and have a photo taken with Santa for a $20 donation to the Humane Society of Northwest Montana. Free youth orientation for teens 1. 14-18, noon, Kalispell Athletic Club, 770 W. Reserve to discuss new fitness program to be launched at 4 p.m.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, Call 752-2880. Soroptimist International of Bigfork basket drawing and chili dinner, 5 to 7 p.m., Bigfork Elementary School cafeteria. Dinner is $3 per person or $10 for a family. Raffle tickets and baskets for sale. Proceeds benefit local scholarships, awards and projects.

For more information, call Jodee at 837-1574. Valley Voices Community Choir and Home School Select Ensemble holiday concert, 7 p.m., Easthaven Baptist Church, 2010 Whitefish Stage Road. Free admission. Donations accepted. Reception follows concert.

All welcome. "Rockin' Holiday On Ice Show" ice extravaganza featuring local figure skaters and National Champion Nicholas LaRoche, 7-9 p.m., Stumptown Ice Den, Wisconsin Whitefish; 862-6524. Back Country Horsem*n of the Flathead meet at 7:30 p.m., Fish, Wildlife and Parks Building, 490 N. Meridian Road. Public welcome.

Call Don at 862-6955. Contra Dance, Northridge Lutheran Church gym 323 Northridge Kalispell. Beginner's lesson is p.m., dancing from 8-11 p.m. Cost $7 for adults; $4, teens; $13, families; 11 and younger, free. Call Joe, 752-7469; or Sherry, 752-8226.

SUNDAY Glacier Country Boys and Girls Club Great Christmas Kick-off fundraiser 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn, Kalispell. Fun family day with lunch, crafts and activities, entertainment and photos with Santa. Tickets $25 per adult; $10 per child, available at Boys and Girls Club Roller Rink, Books West or call 752-1045. Holiday Tour of Historic Homes fundraiser for Museum at Central School and Northwest Montana Historical Society, 1-5 p.m.

Tour four homes and museum's Christmas decoration display. Reception throughout event Online calendar In addition to the Daybook, the Inter Lake also publishes a separate online events calendar which allows groups, clubs and activities to post their own event schedule. Go to and click on "Events Calendar." Northridge Kalispell. All welcome. Call Karcne Manus, 387-5215.

MONDAY Children's Story Hour at 10:30 a.m., Children's Department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822. Daughters of the American Revolution, Chief Ignace Chapter, meet at noon at home of Pat Bass. Riva Amundson presents a program on "Marriages in the White House.

Meet at 11:15 a.m. for carpooling. Call Kay McDonald, 892-4579. Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Swan River School board meets at 5:30 p.m. in the school library. Whitefish City Council joint meeting with U.S. 93 Citizens working group and WGM consultants to discuss Montana Department of Transportation's proposal for reconstruction of highway west of Lupfer Avenue, Red Cross Infant Child CPR certification training, 6:30 p.m., at the office, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Call 752-6433. Flathead Audubon meets 7 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Dan Casey will presents a program on upcoming Flathead area Christmas bird counts. Free and all welcome. The Flathead Conservation District meets at 7 p.m., 133 Interstate Lane, in Evergreen.

Call 752-4220. THOUGHT "Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime." Ernest Hemingway, American author (1899-1961). Send items for this column to The Daily Inter Lake, Box 7610, Kalispell, MT 59904. Fax 758-4481. at museum with wine, food and treats.

Participants eligible for drawing for two roundtrip air fares anywhere in contiguous U.S. Tickets $20 at museum or at any home day of tour. Call 756-8381. Flathead Chapter of the Compassionate Friends annual candle lighting ceremony for families grieving the death of a child, 6:45 p.m. Northridge Lutheran Church, 323 What's New FORGOT BREAK No Problems We Now Have A DELICIOUS, NUTRICIOUS BREAKFAST MENU We Use The Finest Ingredients, Made fresh To Because We Carel Compare To Other Breakfast Then Come Enjoy the Best In West- Mex Made Greshi Whiplash says BREAKFAST "don't forget your breakfast punch card! get 6th Whitefish Kalispell: 6368 Hwy.

93 The Fresh Taste of West-Mex 150 N. Main 862-2332 257-2345 $7 million in protested 11: taxes freed in PPL case GREAT FALLS (AP) A state Supreme Court decision earlier this week settling a dispute over $10 in property taxes between the state and PPL Montana will free $7 million for local governments and 10 counties. State and local government officials are hoping Tuesday's court decision, which covers protested taxes during 2000-2002, will set a precedent for the disbursem*nt of another $35 million PPL is protesting for 2003-2007. "We feel they should revisit how much they have paid and release it to local governments," said Gene Walborn, administrator of the Department of Revenue's business and income tax division. Man's sentence HAMILTON (AP) A Forsyth man serving a 10- year federal prison sentence for setting wildfires on federal lands last summer has had his suspended sentence in an earlier case revoked.

Jonah Warr, 20, was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years with the Department of Corrections, with five suspended, to be served consecutive to his federal term. Warr had been given a deferred sentence for a 2004 conviction for possession The high court's decision did say the state overas-: sessed PPL by a combined $250 million over three years. As a result, roughly 30 percent of the $10 million in protested taxes will be returned to PPL. The state's assessments on PPL's hydroelectric facilities and coal-fired power plants were $730 million in 2000, $838 million in 2001 and $823 million in 2002. DAVID HOFFMAN of PPL said the court's finding on the over-assessment should require appraisal reductions for 2003-07, which would reduce the $35 million in taxes that remain protested.

The issue is before the State Tax Appeal Board, but a decision was delayed pending the revoked of explosives and criminal mischief for blowing up mailboxes in the Florence and Stevensville area. Deputy Ravalli County Attorney Geoff Mahar said Warr violated the deferred sentence when he was charged with burglaries in Wyoming and South Dakota. After serving jail time in South Dakota, his 10-year deferred sentence was changed to a 10-year suspended sentence in the spring of 2006, Mahar said. Supreme Court ruling. "What we'd hope to do is sit down with the department and apply that same theory of reduction in subsequent years so we can put this thing to rest," Hoffman said.

Protested taxes, which are a portion of the company's entire tax bill, have to be paid but they're set aside in interest bearing accounts. Local governments can request that the funds be distributed, but they risk repaying the money later, with interest. Some counties and schools have already spent the money. "We couldn't operate without the money," said Jerry Pauli, superintendent at Thompson Falls. "We've taken that money and spent it." after arsons In August 2006, Warr set a string of wildfires in Missoula and Ravalli counties that cost more than $8 million to fight.

The arson fires violated the sus-. pended sentence, leading to Wednesday's sentencing by District Judge Jeffrey Langton. Warr also faces sentencing later this month in Missoula county for setting a fireworks stand on fire near Lolo Creek in August 2006, causing $58,000 in damage. Rehberg: Troop levels could be reduced in Iraq HELENA (AP) U.S. Rep.

Denny Rehberg says he thinks the troop levels in Iraq might now be reduced, but does not believe he should second-guess the Bush administration's decisions about the war. Rehberg said Congress authorized President Bush to launch the war and it is not up to Congress to now. second-guess specific decisions made in carrying out the battle. "We gave him the authority to do what he is doing," Rehberg said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. "I always have to remember my position, I am not in the executive branch." Bush and military leaders have the authority to manage the war, while Congress provides oversight and spending authority, Rehberg said.

"I push and prod, I sug. gest, I make recommendations, I go over and look at it myself I've been over twice and saw progress the second time," Rehberg said. stands by his vote to authorize force in 2002, and has voted against a Democratic resolution opposing a buildup of troops in Iraq. He says a failed government in Iraq would pose a threat to national security. But Rehberg said he thinks troop levels can now be reduced, and believes the president is working toward that to the best of his ability.

He said progress is apparent. "I want to bring them home as soon as possible," Rehberg said. HE SUGGESTED that the urge to pull out of Iraq could be wrong, noting the United States maintains a large presence in North Korea more than 50 years after the active conflict there ended. Rehberg also pointed out the United States continues to have bases in Germany decades after World War II. "Somehow we have created in our mind that this is different and we've got to get out, take our presence think, realistically, nobody believes that is possible.

"There will be an American presence in Iraq and the rest of the places we're involved in," Rehberg said. Rehberg said Democrats keep pushing for timelines and specific measurements on withdrawal points. But Rehberg said he expects Democrats will change their mind on such specific restrictions if they take the White House in 2008 and have to manage the war. "You will probably hear them back off that if they're successful because they will realize from a practical standpoint it will be very difficult to pull out without there being a stability issue that will set us back further from creating the kind of international peace that we hope to," he said. Democrats who control Congress have yet to provide additional funding for the war, but have indicated they will do so before Congress adjourns for the year.

Rehberg said his goal is to pull troops out as fast as Rehberg has said he out," Rehberg said. "And I possible. Two men charged in beating death in Missoula MISSOULA (AP) Two Strahan, 20, were arrested Wednesday when Salcido men were charged with Thursday evening. St. Den- walked by.

less murder man was Friday found after a home- nis is jailed on $500,000 St. Dennis tried to pick a to death beaten bail while Strahan's bail is fight with the man, pushearly Thursday $250,000. ing him, court records near the California Street Deputy Missoula County said. St. Dennis hit the footbridge.

Attorney Matt Lowy says man in the face and both Forrest Salcido, a 56- Strahan played less of an men followed him as he died year-old after Navy veteran, active role in the fatal tried to run away. dants one of the defen- attack, and went to police Salcido fell to the ground stomped on his head after seeing news reports after being struck in the between 20 and 30 times, about the man's death. face again, and the men conpolice said. Court records said St. tinued beating him on the Anthony St.

Dennis, an 18- Dennis and Strahan were ground, court records said. year-old senior at Missoula sitting on a bench near the Both defendants had been Hellgate High, and Dustin footbridge about 10 p.m. drinking vodka, police said. Signature Theatres STADIUM 14 185 MUTTON RANCH ROAD 752-7800 Nicole Kidman Daniel Craig Sometines the greatest gift THE GOLDEN is a second chance. COMPASS NOELLE (PO-13) Fri (PO) Fri Sun: 12:00 1:00 2:50 4:20 Sun: 12:25 5:10 7:30 8:45 AWAKE R10 7:10 800 850 ENCHANTED (PO) (R) Fri Sun: 12:10 1:05 245 430 Fri Sun: 12:15 255 5:10 7:30 245 NO COUNTRY FOR HITMAN (R) Fri Sunt 1845 7:15 only OLD MEN (R) MAGORIUM'S Frt Sun: 1:20 4:00 A 7:00 230 WONDER EMPORIUM (G) THE MIST Fri Sun: 12:20 2:35 Mos 7:20 (K) Fri Sum: 1:30 655 Only AUGUST RUSH BEOWULF (PO-13) (PO) Fri Sun: 1240 340 7:05 Fri Sun: 1:10 405 R25 INTO THE WILD AMERICAN GANGSTER Fri FRED Sum 12:35 CLAUS Only 2 (0) Fri Sun: 2:00 0:15 (PO) Fri Sun: 425 Only DAN IN REAL LIFE BEE, MOVIE (P0-13) Fri Sun: 425 Only 1 (PO) Fri Sun: 3:45 4:30 Only SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY 12 13 Only Board of Dentistry tries to calm fight HELENA (AP) The Board of Dentistry is try.

ing to soothe a decades-old battle between dentists and denturists that has again surfaced. The board decided Friday to appoint a threemember panel with one denturist, one dentist and the chairman of the board to try to help everyone get along by making rules more clear. Some dentists charge that denturists don't have the training to do what they're doing and could be found guilty of practicing dentistry without a license. One dentist said the board is too lax in enforcing the law. The denturists say the dentists are continuing an old fight they feel aims to restrict the business denturists specifically carved out in law with a statewide ballot initiative in the 1980s.

Denturists are allowed to do specific denture procedures, and don't require the same dental school. training as dentists. They say they actually have more training in dentures than dentists and are 1 more qualified in that area. There are less than two dozen denturists in the state and hundreds of dentists. Lee Wiser, who got the state's first denturist license and championed the initiative that legally carved out the field, said he was pleased with the board's action.

He said he had expected the board to side with dentists and try to formalize restrictive regulations around a certain type of denture. "I was shocked," he said. Wisner told the board that, some dentists incorrectly view his field as "quacks," and said the fighting and maneuvering should be brought to an end. Correction The Flathead Attention Home has been accepting clients continuously since 1997. Based on information in a press release, a story in Thursday's paper incorrectly described its history.

Cristine Boles of Flathead High School placed second in Expository Speaking at the Whitefish Holiday Invitational speech and debate tournament Dec. 1. Her name was not included in tournament results sent to the Inter Lake. Mountain Cinema 4 Mountain Mall Whitefish Movie Line: 862-3130. Plays Dec.

7 Dec. 9, 2007 AUGUST RUSH Fri Sun. 1:45 4:15 7:15 9:30 PG BEOWULF Fri Sun. 1:45 4:15 7:15 9:30 ENCHANTED Fri Sun. 1:30 4:00 7:00 9:15 PG GOLDEN COMPASS Fri Sun.

1:30 4:00 7:00 9:15 PG13 ARMY NAVY MA EXTRA OFFA Danne Boots, Calls, Camo Clothing COLUMBIA FALLS Hwy 2 West 892-4422 7 WHITEFISH 93 SOUTH 863-1234 ZE KALISPELL 756-3500 Hwy 2 East Mon Sat Hours.

The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.