Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

Inquirer, Sept, 12, 1969 Messenger Court News Applications to Wed Richard Arland Jones, 38, Route 3, Philpot, and Hazel Ione Matthews, 35, of 2525 W. 5th Owensboro. Richard L. Moore, 2 29, Owensboro, and Jo Ann Wedding, 29, of 403 E. 25th St.

Albert H. Mundy, 23, Hawesville, and Jacqueline Gilbert, 23, of 210 E. 16th Owensboro. Divorce Suits Emma L. Bartlett filed suit against her husband, Harvey A.

Bartlett, in the Daviess Circuit Court, seeking a divorce on the grounds of cruelty. The couple married June 4, 1928, in Owensboro, according to the complaint. She asks that she be given possession of their residence at 2525 West Cloverdale. Gladys Jean Jackson filed suit against her husband, Franklin Eugene Jackson, seeking a divorce on the grounds of cruelty. The couple married April 10, 1966, at Alma, according to the complaint.

She asks custody of their three infant children, and that the matter of support and maintenance for the children be determined by the court at a later date. Glennie Cowger filed suit against her husband, Edward C. Cowger, seeking a divorce on the grounds of cruelty. The couple married at Perkins, on March 14, 1946, and separated June 8, 1969, according to the complaint. She asks for a division of property with the defendant and for defendant to further disclose to the court any property which he may have disposed of within one year prior to the filing of this suit, and for alimony of $500 per month payable to the plaintiff during her lifetime.

Marriage Licenses Robert Lee Hodskins, 20, tree trimmer, and Barbara Helm Schartung, 20, both of Owensboro. William Donald Lindauer, 21, employe Whirlpool, Route 4, Owensboro, and Marsha Charlene Dickens, 20, Route 1, Stanley. Gregory Wayne King, 18, U.S. Army, and Pamela Kay Stufflebeam, 17, both of Kansas City. Circuit Court Suits Universal CIT Credit Corporation, filed suit against Billie V.

Bishop and W. V. Bishop, seeking judgment for $3,981.60 and costs, claimed balance due on conditional sales contract. Home Realty, filed suit against C. H.

Robertson, seeking judgment for $1,325 with interest, claimed balance due on note. Federal National Mortgage Association, filed suit against Layman H. Conder and wife, seeking judgment for 826.60, with interest, claimed due on mortgage note, with lien on house and lot in Unit 6-D of the Scottish Homes subdivision. The Western and Southern Life Insurance filed Racial Troubled Cairo Put Under State Of Emergency CAIRO, Ill. (AP) The City of Cairo, torn by racial antagonism, was placed under a state of emergency Thursday by Mayor Lee P.

Stenzel. Stenzel issued the proclamation after 600 students were dismissed at the city's junior and senior high schools following a series of scuffles between Negro and white students. No other incidents were reported but Cairo police were joined by about 100 Illinois state policemen in patrolling the streets of the city at the extreme southern tip of Illinois. Cairo has a population of 8,000 persons, 40 per cent of whom are Negro. The community has been the scene of frequent racial eruptions in recent years and the Illinois National Guard has been called out several times to restore order.

Racial troubles flared in the city in April and May this year after black leaders charged that Negroes were being harassed by a white citizens' group called the White Hats. The White Hats later were disbanded. In recent months a series of firebombings, fires that were termed arson, sporadic gunfire and other acts of violence have plagued the community. The declaration of emergency came after several days of racial confrontation over a black boycott of downtown stores now in its fifth month. BE PEST FREE! Phone 683-5387 LOUISVILLE CHEMICAL COMPANY Almost 70 years of continuous service Farm Chemicals Pest Control Janitor and Dairy Supplies 1017 Allen Owensboro Also in: Louisville, Lexington suit against Willie W.

Henderson and Mae Henderson, seeking judgment for $12,043.94, with interest, claimed balance due on note, secured by mortgage on house and lot in Unit 1-D of Carriage Park subdivision. Real Estate Transfers Pearl Wilkey to Ira V. Neel, for $5,000, more or less, house and lot on south side of Lock Avenue in Lock View addition. William P. Leonard Jr.

wife to Robert E. I Bailey and wife, for $19,000, more or less, house and lot in Unit 7 of Clearview subdivision. Hattie Rardin Dickinson and others to Stephen C. Wood and wife, for $30,000, more or less, storebuilding and lot, 109 East 2nd St. J.

A. Petrie and wife to Jacob Gerteisen and wife, for $1,500, more or less, lot of ground on north side of Maceo and Yelvington Road. Delbert L. Horn and wife to Fred W. Pauley and wife, for $15,500, more or less, house and lot in Unit 2 of Massie-Clark subdivision.

James Earl Allen and wife to Belle May Ray, for $11,000, more or less, house and lot on southeast corner of 5th and Bolivar Streets. Melbern G. Cotton Jr. and wife to Peter N. Vecchio and wife, for $14,000, more or less, house and lot in Unit 11-C in Shawnee Park addition.

James B. Green and wife to Gary Wayne Meadows and wife, for $10,500, more or less, house and lot on west side of South Daviess Street. Susan Monarch and others to Morgan Pfister Building and Supply for $8,000, more or less, lot of land on south side of 5th Street between Lewis and Daviess Streets. OWENSBORO CORN, WHEAT New yellow corn, $1.15. Wheat, $1.12.

OWENSBORO SOYBEANS Yellow beans, $2.30. 0. Black beans, $2.05. New York Stock Prices At The Close Yesterday Dose Jones Averages Fumished by J. J.

S. Hillard W. L. Lyons Co. Ind.

off 2.24 RR. off .52 New York AlChem Alcan Alcoa AmCyan AmMHmp AmMoto AmBnds Ampex An' cond Armco AshOil Avco BethStl 30 BuddCo. Chrys Co-Cola CornG 266 Deere DowChm DuPont EastKo Ford GenDyn GE GenFds 75 GenMot GenTir Goody'r 27 Grace 30 GulfOil Harvey Hon IBM Int Har IntPap'r JonesL Kencot Litton 45 American Yesterday's Markets OWENSBORO LIVESTOCK HOGS: 25c higher. Field Select 200-220 No. 1, 200-225 25.75; No.

2, 190-240 25.35; No. 3, 190-240 25.20; 240-280 lbs. 24.40-25.35. Sows 22.00-24.00. CALVES: Steady.

Prime 36.00; choice good 26.00-29.00; commercial 23.00- 24.00; utility 21.00-22.00; heavy slaughter calves 23.00 down. CATTLE: Steady. Choice steers and heifers 26.50-29.50; good steers and heifers 25.00- 28.00; standard steers and heifers 21.50-23.50; commercial steers and heifers 19.00-22.00; utility steers, heifers and cows 18.00- 21.00; canners and cutters 15.00- 18.00; bulls 19.00-24.00. LOUISVILLE LIVESTOCK LOUISVILLE (AP) Federal State 1 Market News Service Cattle 1700; calves 200; slaughter steer offerings about steady; slaughter heifers weak; slaughter cows and bulls fully steady; slaughter calves and vealers steady; feeder steers and heifers over 550 lb. weak to 50 lower; weights under 550 lb.

fully steady. Steers 1000-1050 lb. 28.00- 29.50; mixed good and choice 950 lb. 27.00. Heifers: mixed good and choice 895 lb.

27.10. Cows: Commercial 18.50-21.00; utility 19.50-22.00; high dressing individuals up to 22.40; cutter 18.00- 19.50; canner 16.50-18.00; bulls 25.00-27.00; several high dressing individuals up to 27.40; choice 180-240 lb. vealers 38.00-42.00; selected high choice 43.00-44.00; good 34.00-38.00; good 28.00- 34.00. Feeders: Steers, choice 350-550 lb. 30.50-34.90; including load 440 lb.

32.80; mixed good and choice 28.00-30.50; choice 550-750 lb. 28.00-30.00; choice 750-900 lb. 27.00-28.60; mixed good and choice 25.00-27.00. Heifers: Choice 350-500 lb. 27.00- 28.00; mixed good and choice 25.00-27.00; choice 500-800 lb.

25.00-27.80; including load 800 1 lb. 25.00; mixed good and choice 24.00-25.00. Hogs 1400. Barrows and gilts 25 higher; U.S. 1-2 215-220 lb.

26.00; 2-3 195-245 lb. 25.25-25.75; 3-4 240-260 lb. 24.75-25.25. Sows fully steady; 1-2 270-340 lb. 23.50- 24.00; 1-3 330-550 lIb.

22.75-23.50; 2-3 500-650 lb. 22.50-23.00. Boars over 300 lb. 18.50. Sheep 50.

Represented classes fully steady; 20 head lot prime 86 lb. spring 28.50; good 80-90 lb. 25.00-26.50; ewes 7.00-8.00. EVANSVILLE LIVESTOCK EVANSVILLE (AP) USDA Hogs 1000; barrows and gilts 15 to 25 higher; 1-3 210-240 lb 25.75-25.85; near 75 head 26.10- 26.25; 2-3 210-260 lb 25.50-25.75; sows steady; 1-3 300-400 lb 23.50- 24.00; 2-3 400-650 lb 22.50-23.50; boars 18.00. LOUISVILLE (AP) Broiler market up at farms 15; heavy hens 14.

Egg market steady; large 48; medium 38; small 28. DEBATE INVITED RABAT, Morocco (AP) King Hassan II has invited heads of all Moslem nations "to debate the catastrophe of Al Aksah mosque and the question of the city of Jerusalem, in order to unify our positions Sen. Dirksen Buried Near Pekin, Ill. PEKIN, Ill. (AP)- Sen.

Everett McKinley Dirksen was buried with military honors Thursday in Pekin, his native central Illincis town where he began a career of politics and statesmanship that spanned four decades. The brief 10-minute ceremony was attended by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, more than 40 senators and Cabinet members. About 3,000 persons ringed the cemetery on the hot, sunny day for a glimpse of the flag draped casket bearing the body of the Illinois Republican, who died Sunday in Washington. The simple graveside service led by the Rev.

Edward L.R. Elson, the Senate chaplain, capped four days of tribute to the Republican Senate leader. Dirksen's body arrived about an hour before the funeral aboard a presidential jet. Accompanying the body were his widow, Louella, her daughter, Danice and her son-in-law, Sen. Howard Baker, R-Tenn.

NOW! A CONTACT LENS PLAN 1 For Everyone! PED See How Easy It Is! CF 5 DE 6 Phone 684-7246 MONFRIED 18th Sweeney OPTICAL OWENSBORO, KY. "Choice of Old National, Master Charge or Bank Americard Charge Special Values At Home Furniture Store Nod-A-Way Complete Baby Cribs Standard Size $4450 Built for beauty and convenience, complete with Wet-Proof innerspring mattress. Touch of toe releases drop side, which can be locked securely at any height. What a Blessing for Mom 'n Dad's Sturdy Bunk Beds Complete $12995 Designed to withstand the playful, rugged workouts that youngsters' furniture just has to take. PHILCO TABLE RADIO $3995 NEED BACK TO SCHOOL MONEY? Here's News for you: we're early birds with the cash you need! We Are At Your 9-to 3 Sat.

Budget Loans Open 9 to 5 Monday 2 Doors West of Smith Music Co. thru Friday Henry I. Carrico, Manager 109 W. 3rd St. 683-8862 Util.

up .58 Vol. 12,370,000 Shares Stock Exchange Marathon Merck 94 MobOil 58 Mon'to Marcor 52 Olin-Corp 24 ParkeD 31 Penney 51 PennR Pfizer Philpt 96 RCA Rayth'n Repub ReyTob 37 Sears Shell0 Sth'rnC 26 Sperry 43 SO Cal 60 SO Ind SO NJ Sohio SterDg Stude Texaco TexGas Tx-G pfd TxGSul TexIns Tran'tr UnCarb US Stl Upjohn 44 West'g Wheel' Zenith Stock Exchange FelPet Glen(B) These quotations of stocks which are traded in the Kentucky over-the counter market 'are furnished by the National Association of Securities Dealers and do not represent actual transactions. They are a guide to the range within which these securities could have been sold (indicated by the or bought (indicated by the "ask Over-theCounter .3 Ask Bid Ask WKG 20 21 Real Savings on Handsome. 5-Pc. Maple Finish Dinette Scaled and built to fit today's smaller maple finish hardwoods, the plastic tends to 4 mate chairs, of selected lovely set.

dining areas. Crafted of top table is 42x42 exhardwoods, complete this SPECIALLY PRICED AT- Let Us how Most Beautiful Home Heaters Warm Morning GAS HEATERS Give You Warm- Floor Heat at Lowest Cost PRICED AS LOW EASY TERMS Heaters That Spread a Carpet of Warmth A Personal Message Let us show you how Home Furniture can help you with your furniture and appliance needs. Low Prices, Easy Terms. Naturally known quality, together with same day service, all yours when you find "It Pays to Walk 50 Steps from Main On Allen." Tom Payne -OPEN TONIGHT Love Is The Commitment Carat $119 Carat $269 Full Carat $388 Carat $219 Convenient Terms Available JEWELERS We're nothing without your love. Weights shown are total weight 6994K Illustrations Enlarged 111 West 2nd Owensboro, Ky.

683-1523 PARK FREE AT ZALE'S BACK DOOR or First Allen Parking Lot RUG 9 Room-Size RUGS Thrilling carpet values Let us show you the want. SHOP VALUES $4695 to furnish living room, dining room and bedroom. new Fall arrivals select the pattern and color you (Armstrong Quakertone FLOOR COVERING 9 and 12-Ft. Widths Sq. Yd.

110 Sets $12995 Enjoy the Football Games and Winter Programs on PHILCO PORTABLE TV Main Store and Home 50 STEPS Dial 683-4123 for Modern, multi-layer wearing excellent keep sparkling bright. and quality at a low your room. Watertite la 4p. PAINT. Pointe PAINT ENGINEERS Natertite EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT $595 Gallon Spreads on easy One coat does the job Wash out brush with water YOUR BANKAMERICARD Transistorized table radio, with big Not 1, Not 2, full tone 47 round speaker.

Rug Shop Open Till 8:00 Friday Evenings Furniture Co FROM MAIN ON ALLEN Furniture Dept. Dial 683-3788 for Rug Shop vinyl floor covering. Long stain resistant easy to A wise choice for value cost. Cut to any length of WITH BUILT-IN CUSHION by Congoleum-Nairn $249 Sq. Yd.

This new vinyl flooring wears WARME BECAUSE NEW VINYL CUSHIONFLOR longer because it Cushionflor has a springy foam cush-, ion between its vinyl surface and backing. USE CREDIT CARD Not 3 But 4 FINE BLANKETS Value Regular $21.95 $1595 Guaranteed 1st Quality Beautiful, Rich Colors.

Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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