I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (2024)

Paige Bookdragon

938 reviews626 followers

November 5, 2015

EDIT: Check out Nenia's review and you'll know why this f*cking sh*t is disturbing.

Dunno who this guy is, but his jokes are mean and crude.

"One day she came up to me with an idea I knew was bad from the second it left her dick-suckin' lips."

Shane, to the woman cutting his hair, three pages in: "AM I OKAY WITH THAT?! ARE YOU f*ckING KIDDING ME, YOU BARELY GED-ACHIEVING, TACKY-DRESSED SNAGGLE-TOOTHED c*nt? NO! This was NOT ok!"

And did I mention date rape jokes are never funny?

I wasn't the prettiest girl at the prom but I was definitely good enough to get date raped.

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (2)

    burn-the-f*cking-book f*ck-no

Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill)

1,358 reviews3,322 followers

August 29, 2022

Shane Dawson was one of the most influential figures on social media until 2020. In 2020 he landed up in many controversies. He is now considered one of the most controversial people on social media.

I was in two minds about picking up this memoir which has a collection of a dozen essays. In this book, he shares his experiences from high school, the internet, youtube, and even astral projection.

This memoir shows us why we should be careful in making social media stars our role models. This also shows us everything wrong with the life of social media celebrities. He actually tried to write it honestly, which unfortunately backfired as this book is filled with many of his unfiltered, troublesome offensive thoughts.

If you are planning to read this book, I must warn you that it has a lot of content warnings.

Fat-shaming and slu*t-shaming are written in such a way that it is the norm of our society

“Watching obese people go directly from their Weight Watchers meeting to a frozen yogurt shop is like watching all those poor people fall off the sides of the Titanic when it was sinking. If they only knew how that cold water would kill them.”

“It’s the same feeling a wicker chair gets when a circa-2006 Kelly Clarkson takes a seat. TENSE.”

He didn’t even spare his grandmother from fat-shaming

“I was super close to my paternal grandmother, who had just died. Everyone always said when I grew up I would look just like her, which was disheartening, considering she was a morbidly obese woman who lived in a chair.”

Things get messier and more problematic when we go deeper into the book

“Prom is only for w***** and for the guys who want to f**** them.”

There are many rape jokes, sexist jokes, and much other offensive stuff in this book. My conscience doesn’t allow me to share it here.

The author has recently landed up in so many controversies, like blackface, sexually inappropriate behavior towards minors, and abuse of animals.

I have randomly watched a few of his conspiracy theory videos which were somewhat interesting. During the pandemic, I learned about the controversies he was facing. Still, I decided to pick this memoir to read. It was a huge mistake. This is one of the worst memoirs I have read in my life.

Claudia Lomelí

Author8 books81.4k followers

January 29, 2018

Read this on Audible <3.

    2018 audiobooks

Whitney Atkinson

998 reviews12.9k followers

June 19, 2018

I’ve known the name Shane Dawson since I was about 13 and first started watching YouTube, but for a long time, I wasn’t a fan of him. I didn’t understand his crude humor, and I found him abrasive rather than funny. In the past few years, however, I started growing more fond of his internet presence. And especially this year with his new video format, he has me laughing at every video, and I find myself unable to wait for his next videos because they’re some of my favorite content on YouTube at the moment.
Because of my newfound appreciation for Shane, I decided I’d pick up his two books of essays to learn more about him and see if they’re just as funny as he is on camera. And wow. If you’re a fan of 2018 Shane Dawson, do not pick up this book.
It’s a slap in the face because it reverts right back to that problematic, gross 2011 humor. This book was back to back jokes about rape, bestial*ty, incest, and other distasteful topics that made me frown in disgust rather than laugh. He also references his history of being fat with very fatphobic hindsight, so much so that it was almost disturbing to read. I thought some of these stories were entertaining, especially because I’ve seen his mom and other people he mentioned in his videos and it’s interesting to hear more about growing up and his childhood, but he would make self-aggrandizing jokes rather than opening up to the audience, and most of those jokes were just so poorly done.
Even the stories inside the book felt so fake. There are several points where you just know he’s making up a story or dialogue, and it’s so obvious. I don’t know how he got away with writing about a situation that’s so obviously fake, but I was rolling my eyes at half the dialogue because it was just so clear that he was embellishing his stories for a joke. By the end of the book, I didn’t trust what was real and what wasn’t because he made everything hyperbolic in order to deliver a mediocre punchline.
If I were Shane, I would be ashamed that this book exists. He’s grown so much since this point in his life, especially in the way his humor has evolved, and even though he says he wants to be able to joke around in a way that’s harmless and say things that other people are afraid to, most of the humor in this book is just plain offensive. I know he’s learned from his mistakes so I’m still going to try his second book, but skip this one if you’re a fan of Shane. It’s very messy.

    memoir read-in-2018


38 reviews21 followers

March 31, 2015

EDIT: Initially, I gave this book two stars. I retract that. If I could give it negative stars, I would. Book contains: misogyny, fat-shaming, slu*t-shaming .

I was given an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. If this review seems harsh, I am not sorry at all.

I am not the biggest fan of Shane Dawson. I could never get behind the hype of this "character" that he portrayed. Up until a few months ago, I’d never seen any of his videos.

When I learned that he was going to have a book published (just like all the other YouTubers were/are, yawn.), I decided I should at least watch one of his videos. So, I watched a collab he had done with Tyler Oakley. I wasn’t impressed, but I was still interested in seeing who Shane really was.

With an inside look at the "real" person, I am still not entirely sure that I like him. From the misogyny, to the fat-shaming, there was nothing to like about this. If this is who Shane Dawson really is, I am glad that I've never supported him in anyway. I suspect most of the stories to be falsified to a certain degree, despite being labeled "non-fiction."

Honestly, I probably wouldn’t recommend it.

TRIGGER WARNING FOR THE FOLLOWING QUOTES: fat-shaming, slu*t-shaming, misogyny, date rape.

Misogynistic quotes from his book:

"I wasn't the prettiest girl at the prom but I was definitely good enough to get date raped."

"One day she came up to me with an idea I knew was bad from the second it left her dick-suckin' lips."

Fat-shaming quotes from his book:

"It's the same feeling a wicker chair gets when a circa-2006 Kelly Clarkson takes a seat. TENSE."

slu*t-shaming quotes from his book:

"A wise person once said: "Prom is only for whor*s and for the guys who want to f*ck them.""

This book was honestly disgusting.

    arcs-and-earcs own

Thibaut Nicodème

559 reviews137 followers

Shelved as 'not-in-a-million-years'

March 16, 2015

Not interested in reading what the unfunny guy who does blackface and makes rape jokes has to say about…anything, really.

February 24, 2016

I'm so happy this one didnt win the GR Choice Award but 9,227 votes? REALLY, GOODREADS? REALLY?!

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (9)


I thought no book deserved to be burned but this one proved me wrong.

Take a look at this wonderful review from Nenia Campbell. She explains so well why this book should burn but let me summarize it for you.

This book consists of;

- Racist, sexist and offensive jokes

- Fat-shaming, slu*t shaming, you name it he shames

- Misogyny (this guy totally hates womans. TOTALLY!!!)

- And one of the worst; A date rape joke

I wasn't the prettiest girl at the prom but I was definitely good enough to get date raped.

This stuff supposed to be funny?!

How about;

"A wise person once said: "Prom is only for whor*s and for the guys who want to f*ck them."
or ''dick sucking lips''?


And among all of funny books this one was chosen to be in the final round in GR Choice Awards Nominees?' THIS sh*tTY BOOK?!

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (10)

    author-behaving-badly i-m-disappointed-in-humanity it-s-not-me-it-s-you


345 reviews99 followers

November 4, 2015

I wasn't the prettiest girl at the prom but I was definitely good enough to get date raped.

How the f*ck is this sweet?

I Hate Your Book, Shane dickhe*d Dawson.

Tan Markovic

379 reviews151 followers

April 25, 2019

Reviews can be found at: www.booknerdtan.wordpress.com

Shane Dawson has been one of my favourite YouTubers for as long as I can remember.
His videos have got me through a fair few dark times with his weird, relentless sick sense of humour and I'm forever grateful.

I listened to the audiobook version of this and it was well worth it as Shane himself narrates it which definitely adds to the humour in it and I was laughing all the way through.

This book is a collection of his personal stories from his teenage years through to 2013.
He talks openly and frankly about his troubled teens, his weight and addiction issues and how YouTube has allowed him and his mum to have a more fulfilled life than they did when he was growing up.
It was interesting to see some of the person behind the persona he plays online; I think we often feel like entertainers like him have this personality 24/7, but clearly that isn't the case.

Although this book was hilarious and had me in stitches, serious subjects were discussed and the way he hasovercome his struggles is inspiring. There is a big message throughout of bad events in his life turning out to be the biggest blessings in disguise and that's definitely something I needed to read right now.

If you're looking for a light, hilarious pick me up then this is for you.
It's fairly short and sweet and will leave you significantly happier than when you started.



183 reviews276 followers


February 3, 2016

I don't know about anyone else, but for me, THIS GUY IS A LEGEND. For someone I've never met to cause such an intense dislike of his person, just because of a book? There's just no two ways about it, it can only mean one thing-he is legendary.

I am not joking when I say that throughout this book I just kept going; That's just racist; That's so sexist; That's just racist; That's so sexist. AND.THAT.IS.JUST.MEAN.
And then there's this:

"Even as a young kid I remember wondering, "Is my mom a whor*?"


I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (14)

That's what happens when you're trying so hard to be cool.
I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (15)

And someone said he was just trying to be funny? Where exactly do I insert my laughter? Funny? Really?
I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (16)
I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (17)

I can't even say crap like that about my mama to myself, because "funny" is the last thing I'll ever be. She can smell treachery from a mile away. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she even came after me with a cane while I was in bed at night. I'd welcome it. That kind of crap warrants some repentance to be flogged into me.
I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (18)

What more can I say? It's possible people like this book, but as for me-


I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (19)
I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (20)



Lauren Jude

60 reviews27 followers

March 18, 2015

This book made me cry, laugh, and feel happy. I went into this book expecting to laugh a lot, and while that did happen, I also felt an abundance of other emotions that I wasn't expecting to feel. This was a great book that explores what it's like to be human, and what it's like to go through emotional and physical a struggle.


Petra Chase

16 reviews

March 20, 2017

I wasted 20 bucks on this book.
Shane Dawson can't write professionally, his stories go nowhere, they're cheesy, I'm pretty sure everything is greatly exaggerated, considering it's supposed to be a memoir. It sound like the script of a sit-com. There is nothing emotional about this book. The only way he keeps his readers are the dirty jokes and references to sex every couple pages, and they're not even funny or realistic, they all sound like they came from a bunch of middle school boys. Not impressed.

April (Aprilius Maximus)

1,133 reviews6,477 followers

August 12, 2018

3.5 stars
i LOVE shane and I could listen to him talking sh*t all day.
Just be warned though that this book contains a lot of his old offensive humour.


Author3 books106 followers

Shelved as 'your-ignorance-is-showing'

November 5, 2015

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (24)


326 reviews52 followers

March 22, 2015

For the people who have no idea who Shane Dawson is or does, let me break it down:

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (26)

That is Shane Dawson: a sweary, offensive YouTuber who most people assume is gay. He's not, by the way. His videos, which feature him in drag being all ghetto:

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (27)

Or being a stereotypical Jewish woman:

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (28)

And even a lonely nerd named Ned:

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (29)

rack up millions of views every day; in YouTube land, he's a veteran and one of the biggest successes. What he does for a living (he makes millions every year) doesn't sound that funny so far, but if you're a fan of such raunchy material like American Pie and other things of that nature, you're sure to have a good time, even if Dawson isn't making as much skits as he used to. He even made a film, entitled Not Cool, but nearly everyone HATED it. So now he turns to yet another medium - our favourite, books. But don't worry, Dawson's collection of personal essays doesn't suck. In fact, it's surprisingly good; everything I expected from something with the name Shane Dawson on it, yet containing heart.

The essays in question, from Dawson's début novel I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays by Shane Dawson, are mostly well-written, but not in the way that Zoella's was, if you catch my drift. You can tell Dawson slaved over a computer typing it up, and his voice resonates around your head when reading it. I don't have Audible. There are some problems however, albeit small. Just things like majorly offensive similes, sequences that make you squirm, nothing too big. Overall, a really good, short read, and yet another victory in Dawson's claim to take over the world.


100 reviews

November 19, 2015

I wish I could wash my eyes out.


Aisha Ditta

310 reviews13 followers

February 25, 2018

I really love Shane on YouTube but not so much in a book. There was too much d**k in this book, like on every page, it was getting boring. It's just not the sort of thing I want to read about.


200 reviews103 followers

March 16, 2015

Sarcastically witty and charmingly funny.
I loved it.

Sleepless Dreamer

877 reviews327 followers

February 2, 2016

I'm going to skip my rant about how not okay it is that youtube stars get book deals easily when there are talented authors out there that could write better books but don't get a chance because they don't have 12 million subscribers.

I've been a "fan" of Shane's for a few years. I say "fan" because I don't consider myself a fan. I watch his videos when I'm bored. I relate to him sometimes (team awkward with self esteem issues ftw). I even admire him. There's something amazing about the way he looks at life. I can definitely learn from his perspective and attitude.

I suppose I'm not sure what I expected from this book. It's like a really long video. The stories are cute. They strike me a bit unrealistic. The narrative voice is great. It's funny with honestly and bits of truth. Something about how horrible high school was for Shane and how better things are now gave me hope.

I get why people are angry about the racism, misogyny, slu*t-shaming, and fat shaming. I get it. Noted. I disagree. First of, as a fat person, he can make as many fat jokes as he wants (especially since most of them are about himself).

Secondly, I think what makes something racist or shaming or misogynistic is the intent. Shane clearly cares and loves his mom and the friends he "shames". I don't think he actually believes what he says, he's joking. He wouldn't stand behind those things. As long as it's just an attempt at humor and no one gets offended, I don't see a problem with racist or sexist or what not humor.

Shane strikes me as very self aware. I found myself relating to a lot of what he wrote, which surprised me. I'm tempted to go watch more of his videos and look for the things he wrote.

All in all, if you're a fan of Shane's, you'll probably like this. If you're like me, this is nice entertainment (this reader's block won't go away and I'm getting desperate). If you're a social justice warrior who can't stand anything that's sexist, shaming, or racist, just do yourself a favor and don't read this book. There isn't a point to getting angry about a youtuber who makes bad jokes when there are worst battles out there.

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)

2,437 reviews7,776 followers

Shelved as 'pigs-fly-and-crayfish-whistle'

January 23, 2016

► Read Paige's review. Or Nenia's. They'll tell you all about it.

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (34)

    aw-hell-no black-listed-author over-my-dead-body


59 reviews2 followers

September 24, 2015

Lots of misogyny, fat-shaming and slu*t-shaming, none of which are things that I find funny or worthy or a book. Would not recommend.


1 review

March 14, 2015

I read this in like...less than five hours which means it was so good I couldn't put it down. There was a chapter towards the end that completely freaked me out and I stayed up so late because of my imagination, but overall it was a really fun read. If a book can keep my interest and can make me cry, laugh, feel scared, and a little bit of everything else, i consider it a great read. Good job, Shane!

Laurène Poret

217 reviews7 followers

July 6, 2015

I really don't know what to make of this book. I knew going in that I didn't like Shane's humour (I'm not a masoch*st, my best friend recommended the book to me and I always listen to her), and when I read in the introduction that it wasn't "YouTube Shane" but his real self I was quite enthusiastic about what I was going to discover.
Well it felt REALLY "YouTube Shane" to me. Exact same humour and need to make laugh every 5 seconds. I do like funny books, but this isn't a funny book, it's a book purposefully written to make laugh, and it feels forced at least 85% of the time. I maybe chuckled twice. (But then again, it's just not my kind of humour, but it's probably other's!)
I also think most of the stories have been really modified to be funnier, which is not what I was looking for. It felt like every serious thing he said had to be compensed by ten hilarious poop/dick/fat/etc joke. It might be his way to cope with things, and why not if it works out for him! It just doesn't cut it fr me. (And yeah, some jokes were definitely sexist/fat-slu*t-shaming.)
It got a bit better by the end, but maybe I was just getting used to it by then.


258 reviews210 followers

December 1, 2015

Hey, look! Shane Dawson's new book is out!!

Too bad it turned out to be a pile of sh*t. I'm sorry, was that too harsh? I can't help the stuff that comes out of my "dick-sucking lips."

    1-sh*tty-star f*ck-no short-stories


115 reviews18 followers

March 15, 2015

5 stars
HILARIOUS! Wasnt expecting anything less from Shane! You HAVE to listen to the audiobook. Audiobooks arent really my thing but when it comes to these funny memoirs read by the author I highly suggest them! Specially Shane's because he does a lot of voices and adds so much more humor to the book that I wouldnt have got if I had read it by myself.
I've been watching Shane since 2009 and I've pretty much watched everything he has uploaded, so I think is safe to say that I know quite a lot about him. Having said that, I was so surprised that this book had so many anecdotes which he had never shared before which made it so much more interesting than what I was expecting it to be.
Not only does Shane share a lot of hilarious memories, but he also wrote about some very deep and sad moments in his life, that we kind of saw through his videos but never this detailed and forward. This book was the perfect balance between funny and emotional memories; even in those sad chapters, like the one when he shares the day in which her grandma died, Shane knew somehow how to bring laughter and a smile to your face. And that I feel is the perfect representation of Shane's personality: when he wants to and when he feels the need to he does get serious about a topic, is not all fun and jokes for him, but he will always try to get a message or a story or whatever across in the most inspiring way with some help from his amazing and hilarious sense of humor.
I'm so so proud of Shane's achievements because he truly deserves it, and the content of this book is a reminder of how much he was meant to be a comedian. This was such a fast-paced, hilarious, touching and interesting read; even if you don't know that much about Shane, BELIEVE ME, you're going to have a great time while reading it, EVEN MORE IF YOU LISTEN TO IT. The effect the book will have on you will be a thousands times better and funnier if you give the audiobook a chance; Shane was made to do these kinds of things.

Miss Faulk

72 reviews3 followers

September 6, 2016

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (41)

I have been a fan of Shane Dawson for years now, and in fact I am an owner of his #Epic T-shirt you use to be able to purchase at Hot Topic. I love that he is not afraid to go there with his videos, and his crude humor usually has me rolling in the floor laughing.

Seriously, Shanany is all that life needs to be.

I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (42)

I have to say though I was a little disappointed with this book, as I really wanted to see more into the life of the REAL Shane Dawson. He always speaks about how his online self is a "character" and in real life he is very shy and not as loud. That was the Shane I wanted to hear about.

This book had WAY to many bodily function jokes, and it seemed like every time he needed a laugh that is where he went. Seriously, I wanted to just hear him without the crude humor. I found that in the chapter about loosing his grandmother. Even though he had a lot of "poop" jokes in it, I seriously found myself tearing up.

The book was okay at best. A lot of annoying, and not what I thought it was going to be at all. Most of the stories in the book I already knew because I am an avid watcher of his YouTube channel, and he had already blogged about them.

Save your money. Watch the videos.

Andrea Manzanilla

489 reviews

August 8, 2016

Reading Challenge 2016: Un libro escrito por un comediante

Shane is my favorite Youtuber so picking up this book I was hoping a funny inside to his private life, and that's what the book gave me but ten million times more funny that I expected. From the dedication which is the first page of the book I was laughing so hard, you can tell he wrote the book because no one can replicate his sense of humor.

The fan art and the little descriptions of the artists show how much he cared about his fans, a really nice touch. A lot of WTF moments, a lot of gruesome moments and a lot of "Did he really just write that" moments too, so basically normal Shane Dawson jokes.

Even if you don't know who he is I think you would still enjoy it and get his jokes. But for me, that I see all of his videos, I could imagine him telling me the essays and his expressions doing it.

A super quick and hilarious read, recommended with my eyes closed.

    2016-reading-challenge all-time-favorites english-reads


901 reviews4 followers

April 3, 2015

It pain me to say this, as I love me some Shane, but this book is awful. Juvenile, mean-spirited humor, a disjointed narrative, and self pity rob it of any potential. Sad.



417 reviews59 followers

February 20, 2017

If you dislike his videos, you're probably going to feel the same towards his book. His brand of humor is crude, self deprecating and often offensive. So call me problematic because after all these years, I remain a huge fan of Shane Dawson.

You can tell these essays were his own. I could hear him narrating in my head. In the preface, he mentions that he doesn't hate himself but the way he portrays himself online and this book would be the real Shane. However, I found both his personalities are present in this collection.

For the most part, these read like his internet persona, which I didn't mind. I couldn't always discern which parts of his stories he was exaggerating. I liked when he got real though like the essays about his grandma, Lisa or his self esteem and body dysmorphia because those were most relatable. We could see the true Shane peeking out, the one who uses humor to cover his insecurities.

I already heard some of the stories from his Draw My Life and various other videos. All in all, I still had fun! I Hate Myselfie was a clever, sincere and highly entertaining memoir.

    2015 nonfiction youtuber-books


347 reviews183 followers

January 24, 2016

This review is on my blog: http://bookchick2013.blogspot.com/201...

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Ive seen Shane Dawson on YouTube and saw his book on NetGalley as well so I thought why not give it a read.

How do I talk about this? I mean, I'm guessing that if you're reading this, you probably have an interest in Shane or reading his book. It's not my favourite personally, because I'm not a huge fan but if you like his videos you will probably like his humour.

His stories were interesting, but so much sadness. I mean, to be honest if I knew it would be that sad, I probably wouldn't have read it just because I don't like sad books in general. And, a little side note, the cover is amazing. I love the use of colour and lighting. Just amazing. I also liked that the beginning of each chapter had a fan drawn picture. That's cute.

Unfortunately not all the humour made sense to me because I don't find everything Shane Dawson does as funny, but if you are a fan, you will really enjoy it.

    arc kindle
I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.