Asbury Park Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey (2024)

410 MC1.P WANTED WF 41D HELP WANTED NlT ASBURY PARK PRESS, Sat, Apr 12, 1971 B7 420-WORK WANTED 600 LIVESTOCK PUTS 410 HELP WANTED Mf 410 HELP WANTED MF 410 HELP WANTED MF 640-mlRCHAIsDISf BOOKCASE Metal Prolector, still pictures. Double lowboy. Credenza, locking doors. 005 270 3168. BOWLING BALL bag.

10 ib 125. Golf clubs bogs, mens lodtei, $150 tor all. (6092 693 8929 BRASS BFD BONANZA All sizes In stock. Single, double, aueen A kino White Born Antiques, 1336 Hwy. 9, Toms River, J.

341 4655. Ooen 7 doysJfr6 We buy i sell. BREAKFRONT Mediterranean, reasonable. Call 341 9341 BUY OF A LIFETIME! Antloue lewelry ft designer nieces NOW ON SALE AT UNHEARD OF PRICES Gold 4 Sliver, precious stones. BLOSSOM ANTIQUFS.

Wed. thru Sat. 314 5th Lakewood, 364-4414 CAMERA EQUIPMENT Vlvfiar 781 Automatic Electronic Flash. Never Used Call 244 2028 fAMFRA Argus movie, 8mm Super 8. zoom lens, floodlight protector, used twice, $100.

364-68 '8. CAME PA Nl'kkormat mm wide angle lens, case, flash, $125. 774- 6551. CAMERA Super 8, completely automatic. Power rewinds ft viewer 35m camera.

Screeen. Like new. 222-5847. CAMERA Yashlco" 35 mm, C-SN" excellent condition, never used, cos, $0. Regular 29 531-0549.

CAMERAS LEiCAS, Nikon" FTN, Miranda, extra lenses, enlorger, misc. photo equipment. Bargain prices, will accept trode ins. 531-469. Eves.

CAR RADIO AM in-fhe dash, fine working condition, $15; Audlovox FM converter for AM cor rodio, easy to install, $20; hardly used Unlvox -Super-Fuzz box for electric guitar, $15, GE AM FM wood grained table radio, $15; unused 50 Inch purple Chinese temple cord, $10; like new size 8 girl's white ice skates, $8, girl's size 8 white twiner boots, Seors snow thrower, paid $189, used twice. $100: Forberwore smokeless open hearth broiler, virtually new, $12 110 Ib. weights, like new, $20. Prices firm. Coll 531-0311.

CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL -300 sa. ft. steam cleaned In vour home. Onlv $32. Call now tor oopt.

341-6262 CARPET CLOSEOUT 100 "nvion pile, limited yards ft colors ovolloble. $3 99 sa -yard. Call Bob 2SMI26 CARPET BELOW WHOLE SALE AT $5 SQ YARD. SHAGS PLUSH COMMERCIAL 367 3048 CASH REGISTERS Sweda or National New and Used Bought, sold, traded All models. Tolco Cosh Regis ter 222 0414.

CASH REGISTERS 'it) Notional. 3 electric, I manual, olso restaurant equipment. 747-9165. CASTRO COUCH 88'. mattress like new, cushions need cover.

$125. 775- 5416 otter 11 30 a m. CHAIR -'Colonial wingchalr, blue upholstered. $40. Coll 493 8733 after CHAIRS 4 mahogany, dining room choirs, reasonable, like new.

Call 349 7831. CHICKEN MANURE Old ft new, delivered 938-2842or 899-2103 CHOPPING BLOCK TOP 24 25 1' i $25. Call 44-5749. CLIMACONTROL WARM AIR FURNACE Best offer tokes II Crown hotwoter tank ft pump. Owens-Corning fiberglass insulation, pest offer.

363 3983. CLOSEOUT Save to 60! Unpointed furniture ft vanities. Starlit, Rt. 526, Imlovstown, (609)259 7517 Frl. 9 8, Sat Sun.

9 6. CLOTHING Jewelry, brlc-abroc, lamps, misc. items. Search Save Consignment Thrift Shoo, 3)4 Main St. Bradley Beach.

COACH CARRIAGE Blit-rite. -Excellent condition $50. Coll 892-8666 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ARCADE HELP WANTED Must be over 18, Manasduan Playland, Deutmruw, rviutHisquan ARCADE MECHANIC yen a vtmi Id UPlll, I OITtJ COTT- ventlonal games. Interesting career opportunity with benefits, raoldly -expanding North Jersey shore monu- Tacturcr. nnr, natan, ASPHALT WORKERS MASONS" Experienced.

Full time. Coll 47II1J3 ASSISTANT MANAGER Who warn to iii uw wnn laoie apparel operation. Great opportunity for the rtunr person, can mouii Tor opot. AUTO DEALER Requires lonltor 1 handy person to keep ploce clean i be generally usetull. No mechanical work, car washing or polishing.

Forty hour, 5 day week, company supplied uniforms, lite Insurance, hospitalization. Vacation after one year of str-Ivce. Must have volld drivers license and be capable of driving late model cars. Apply In person only. RUSSELL a Dui-umi, main si.

a scarce ve. rvumasquan AUTO MECHANIC Fully expert enced on Chrysler products. Only class mechanic will be consld ered This It a steady lob with all company benefits A vacation. Flat rate or salary, pay plan, open to the right person Apply at Sanford Motors Inc. Chrysler Plymouth, Rt.

37, Tomi Kiver. Salary open Exceptional Incentive system, excellent benefits, no lay-offs Apply 4 Auto, Freehold 4M-7010, Middletown 61-900. Brick Town 477-5WO. Toms River JM-0700. Coll tor appi.

AUTcTMECHANIC Experienced mechanic wonted to work P.M hift own tools necessary. Call service manager ror appi. hvbtoh. AUTO MECHANIC For iaVvtoVft: hon. Must be heavily experienced ft nave own roots, jor-r I JU.


60, BRICK TOWN. 4 rOJM; AUTO PARTS MANAT.FB CIO TRAINEE For General Motors ueoiersnip in norrnern monmoutn County. Excellent opportunity for a Rood person with Gm experience. OWNES PONTIAC, 62 Lower Moln St Matowan. Call S6S-2299 for Inter view open.

AUTO PARTS WAREHOUSE SALES PERSON Central Jersey area. Must have considerable experience Top commissions plus many other benefits. Submit resume salary reauiremems to eress Box 131-B, Asowry rarx, n.j. vnvi. AUTO SALES Exceftent opportunity to loin Ocean County fastest growing volume dealership.

Heavy floor traffic. Immediate opening tor experienced new and usee car sates person fcxceltent sala ry pius oonus plan, liberal benefits. For ooot. call Mr. De Rosa, 364-9000.

AUTO SALES New and used. Chrysler experience preferred, all company oenerirs and best oav plan. Must be experienced and good closer. Apply to Mr. Rabstein, Sanford i.

nryster-rtymouTn, Toms Kiver 349-5050. AUTO SALESPERSON Aggressive, no experience preferred. Call 269 2220. AUTOMOBILE LOT ATTENDANT Driver's license reaulred. Mon.

thru a.m. to p.m. cotl for opot. 741-A570, ask for Mr. Shafer, Levine Motor Lorp.

Red Bonk; AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC Dodge dealer needs mechonic with experience In Chrysler products. Steady empTovmenT wittt an rringe DeneriTS. Must nave fools and be straight. Inauire in person at A Dodae Rt. 35, Eatontown (ooposltt Bendlx) ask tor T-ronx or Henry.

BABYSITTER bar. Min. no eves, own rransoorra. tion live In Farmlngdale orea. Preferably my home.

Coll 892-4039 or vjb-zv BABYSITTER Cor of 6 year old, live in. rent board free, davs off ft possible salary. Must be mature, ref erences Pleas LOII BAKER Top all-around person. Call Freehold Mall Bakery, 78Ol050 BAKERS. BAKER'S HELPERS ft SALESPEOPLE Port time or full time, no experience necessary.

Coll 244 333 BARMAID 'BARTENDER 4 nights a week, some experience necessary. Apply in person from 1 1 30-3 p.m. The Happy Pickle, 30 Maple Red Bank "BEAUTICIAN Full time, experienced 681 222 Eves. 68152. BEAUTICIAN Experienced, top pay pius commission, paid holidoys.

431 8680. BOARD SECRETARYSCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR The Board of Educotlon of Haziet Township Is seeking candidates to fill the position of Board SecretarySchool Business Administrator as at July 1975. The candidate must meet the certification requirements of the state of N.J. for school business administrator. Salary is negotiable.

Pleose send resumes marked confidential to: Secretary of the Board Hozlet Two. Board of Education 82 Bethany Rood Haziet, N.J. 0730 BOAT UPHOLSTERER For tops covers ft cushions. Must be experi-enred in layout ft estimating. (609) 698 106; bodTly Tnjury claims adjus TOR 3-5 years experience, college graduate, hard worker.

Can offer good salary, bonus ft fringes. Please send resume to J. Rcld, Vincent Insurance Adiustors, 25 Commerce Crantord. BOOKKEEPER Experienced only Call for oppt. FINN BUICK INC.

Long Branch, 222-6900 BOOKKEEPER Experienced In payroll, tax reports, bonk reconciliations, typing. For public accountants office. Send resume to Marvin Weiss, 522 Brick Brick Town 0823. BOOKKEEPER Automotive, Chrysler Corp automobile dealer, experience preferred. Apply at ft Dorioe, Rt.

35, Eatontown, N.J. 54201 1 BOOKKEEPER Experienced self starter, with strong background in regular bookkeeoing, payroll ft bookkeeping machines. Call 842-1303 for opot BROILER PERSON Night work. Apply YeOlde Cedar Inn RrJTomsJiiyer BUTCH WANTED Independent market, full time, apply In person, Buchanan ft Co 11 Clifton Lakewood. CARETAKER Experienced for gardening and pool maintenance.

Must be able to handle machinery and do all outdoor odds and ends. 531-9370. CARPENTER Must be thoroughly experienced fromer. Call 367-4844 CARPENTERS HELPER Experl-enced only. Must have own tools.

Coll 528-5331 after 6 pm. CARPENTER'S HELPERS Experienced only G.T. SPARTA BUILDERS INC. Call 938 3373 or 899-1800. CHARGE NURSE, RN 3-1130 SHIFT Expanding hospital offers career position for RN.

Excellent salary ft full benefits. Pleose apply Nursing Office, Bovshore Community Hospital, 72 North Beers Holmael. CIVIL ENGINEER -1-4 years' -experience, In highways or subdivision, storm drains, sonltory sewers and estimating. Send resume to Fellows, Read ft Weber, P.O. Box 546, Toms RiverN.JJ8751 CLEANER PRESSER For dry cleaning store.

Call 477 5990 CLEANING SERVICE OPRATORS -Needed, full time, salary open. Lall ibl-SlTl CLERK Port tlm. Hours 11 to 7 p.m. Sot. Shady Ook Dell, Jackson, N.J.

657-878 between ft 1 p.m. CLERK ft STOCK WORKER In retail llauor chain, full time, call 9-11 O.m. only, 747-4444. COMPANION For woman, small home, light housekeeping, prefer sleep-in, Press Box 114-6, Asbury fork CONCESSION STAND HELP Part time basis. Location, Wall Stadium.

Effective May to Oct. Contact Chuck Dlnehart at 681-4376. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Owner's representative, Eatontown, N.J. Write County Testing Laboratory, 16 Broadway, Amltyvllle, N.Y. 11701, round tlma, year Call 938-7951 Peterson Matawan, vote hpme, Llncroft.

Write stating full references, to Press oury rarx. iSntoeTsteody Martlnlzlno, 181 Locust West Long Branat COUNTER HElP For 12 mlf night shift, must be ovf 18. $2.30 on CUSTODIAN FulTir part time poesn pay much, but will keep you busy WEISLEDER MERCURY, f'v i own OTi-Ooofl CUST ObiANiuS DRIVER Full tlm position In child car center, var duties Include custodial work ft bus driving, N.J. school bus driver's y.ce1"..eaulre Aw'v MCAP Head Start, 279 Broadway, Long Branch. DELIVERY WORK For'clYlC--organlzatlon must know Freehold-Engiishfown orea, car necessary, call jeoys 566-3B25 or Experienced orthodontic cholrslde.

Excellent -opportunities. Coir otetely conflden tlal. Red Bonk Orthodontist. Send NJU747 -910t 222' "ed Bmk' DEN AT" ASSISTANT ExperT enced, full time, Marlboro. Reply Press DESK CLERK Responsible person only, live In, small senior citizen hotel.

ColJ77-754. DiETICIAN Port time weekend position available of area hospital Position requires experience In supervisory capacity Salary commensurate with experience. ADA preferred. Call or apply Community Memorial Hosoltol, Toms River, 349-8000, xt. 292; Dl RECTOR OF NURSES Wanted for small nursing home, good salary, must be RN Management will train Inexperienced RN.

Write to Press Box I'-o, wsoury rqrx, n.j. DISHWASHER Experienced, good salary plus company benefits. Apoly person. Green Grove Convalescent Center, Green Grove Rd. ft Rt.

66, Neptune, N.J. DISHWASHER Experienced, Jumping Brook Country Club, Neptune, 922 8200. DISHWASHER Apply In person Peterson Buttonwood Manor, Hwy. 34, Matowan, 566-6220. DISHWASHERS Needed, must be over 17.

Apply In person. Kings Grant Inn, River Rd. ft Rt. 70, Pt. Pleasant.

DRIVERLOADER For April 15 to June I. Apply In person John A. Olbls, Rt. 537, Smlthburg W. Freehold, 1 mL rost Freehold AreaJHosoltal DRUMMER Experienced for established hard rock group.

Must serious. Call 255-3492. ELECTRONIC SERVICE Strong electro-mechonlcol background, mlnH mum 3 years technical experience for rout service and repair of coin amusem*nt devises. Call Mr. Nolan 983100.

ESTIMATOR SALESPERSON For household goods moving ft storage company. Soles experience necessary, will train, transportation supplied, permanent position for reliable person. Interview by aopt. 775 2093. A.G.

Rogers Co. Inc. 931 Asbury Ave. Asbury Park, N.J. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY To Financial Vice President Excellent skills, ability to work some nlahts ft Saturdays essential.

Modern working conditions. Normal fringe benefits. Salary ooen. Coll 363-9000, ext. 250 for oppt.

EXHAUST SYSTEM INSTALLER -Automotive and torch experience helpful. Benefits, excellent future, apply in person only, Midas Muffler Shool919 Corlles Neptune. EXTERMINATOR Position" aval I-obte for qualified individual, with -Interest In learning all phases of pest control. Chance of advancement for person with ability and willingness to work for it. All fringe benefits, salary neogtioble.

Send resume to Press Box 2-C, Asbury Pork, N.J. EXTERMINATORS Experience not necessary, will trotn. Tree sprayers, termite personnel 4 route personnel. COH 462J532; FENCE ERECTOR Part time to start. Excellent pay.

IU-9141. FILE CLERK Part time, for oil company, hours arranged. Wonomas sa orea. Send resumes to Mrs. Kornltled, IS Main Bradley Beach.

N.J. 0720. FOREIGN CAR MECHANIC OR SPE CIALIST To work in a new Fire stone service center. Good pay ft benefits. Coll 566-4105.

FRAMER ft HELPERS Must be thoroughly experienced. Call after 6 p.m. 2V1-VIVB. FULL ORPART TIME SALES With Sarah Coventry. For oppt Call 780-2455, 536 7261, or after 6 p.m 493-891, 842-934 FULL ft PART TIME Gas station oftendont.

Apply In person, Shop-Rite Gas station Mum bt. hwv. free hold, n.j. GAME ft RIDE OPERATORS Must be over 18. experiencea prererrea.

oopiy at Palace Amusem*nts, 207 Laxe nsourv rgtn, GARDENER For private estate, must be experienced In planting, pruning ft landscoplng. Good salary, year 'round. Apply Shodowbrook, Hwv. 35, Shrewsbury. GO GO DANCER Lunches, co*ck tails, evenings.

No experience neces sary. Z40-2U65. GO-GO DANCERS No experience necessary, will train. Call onytlme 747-6044 GRASS CUTTERS Wonted. Obtoln application.

Gate 1, Original Leisure Village, Rt. 70, Lakewood, N.J. 34-1820. GUARDS Part tlm. Must have car ft phone.

Call 462 3401. GUARDS ARMED. Part time-full time. South Jersey orea. Mondel Security Bureau.

1800) 272-1030. HAIORFSSFR Operators, manaa- ers, licensed. For busy shop in Toms Kiver. Loll J4I-WSBY, v-s p.m. ror appi.

HAIR CUTTER ft STYLIST Must be experienced, must apply In person Wanners of Switzerland, pona Kd Shopping Center, Rt. 9, Freehold; HAIR CUTTER Immediate position available. Contact Rapunzel's, West End, 229-888U. HAIRDRESSER Experienced, with mandoer's license, tun or parr Time Call eves. 344-415K HAIRDRESSER Work Sunday only, 9 2, experienced only, good pay 36-066I.

HAIRDRESSER Experienced. Full time. Call 364-7u. Eves. 364-5371 HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY TEACHERS Cerlllled.

Keaaing, English, Moth Indvlduallzed ft group instruction. Eves. 5-8 hours a week. Resume. MAECOM, 1 Main -Eatontown.

UKTnBV TEACHER Certified work with small groups, eves 8 10 hours a mo. strong oacKgrouna in American history. Resume, MAECOM, lalnSt. Eatontown. HfiTFl.

CLEANERS Experienced. Full time tor summer season, Spring Loke orea. can 4v bjju. WORKERS Avail able Immediately. Domestic Employ ment Agency, 75 w.

main Freehold, 462-6580. HOUSEKEEPER Live In. Mature nnnn. enlftvx Hie presence of teen age girls. Simple cooking.

Must drive. Recent references reaulred. Good salary. Privote living quarters in pleasant surroundings. Reply Press Box I IB-B Asoury rorx, n.j.

HOUSEKEEPER Day worker, prP unia hMna. I Inrrnft. rtnvs. S3 an hour, write stating full experience ft references to Press Box 129-B, Asbury Park. HOUSEKEEPER full time, temporary.

Apply In person, Pt. Pleasant Beach Nursing Home, 703 Richmond ft. Kieasom oeacn. HOUSEKEEPER 5 davs a week, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., own transportation, references, so-vzv HOUSEKEEPER Retired woman, wvhv live lite of luxury, help raise my 2 ennaren, iz m.

oy-vj HOUSEKEEPING PERSONNEL -siMrled In small residence home for aged. Floor cleaning experience helpful. Permanent full time position. Excellent oenerirs. rtease can mr.

Edwards at 74-1316 far appt. An equal opportunlTv employer. HOUSEKEEPING ft IRONING for 2 bedroom house ft on child, 4 5 days a LOII 5JI-4SV6. MO-tW RCHNDI5 COCA COLA CHCST vwy large, eiertrlc, on casters. 3i.

Working con- dITIOn. 349 144. COLONIAL FURStTDRB Hiwd- moae to orier Pieces avonatM. treasonable CoM 449 8236. POTS (7) for $35 24" bicycl $10.

Btcychl $4. Call 528 8024. CONTENTS Of APARTMENT FOB SALE Living room, dtnlng room, bedroom furniture, pointings ond bric-o-brac, TV set. OWE DAY CHH.Y SALE APRIL 13, The Beoron Gardens, Apt. Rt 35 ft Seo PI.

Pleasant CONTENTS OF APATfWf Moving April 15, everything In 3 rooms plus accessories must go. Coll anytime 49309S3. CONTENTS OeTTpTRTMEIlf- Everything must go Oriental rue. Frl Sat Sun 12 in, 104 Srh Ave Belmar, Apt 5. CONTENTS OF AP ArTmE NT -Furniture, 1 vear otd ft In excellent condition.

Everything must go toy April 25, Call im-mijaot CRIB Mattress, burow, lorn. Infant's seat ft ptovpen. In good condition $50 462 4996 DAY BED With arms, otmott new, converts to tvrins or doubt bed. rover ft bolsters Included, very raoaonoDt. Call 528-645 DE HUMIDIFIER Kitrmm Tool, Old Records.

Sun from )0 to 6315 Euclid Ave Loch Aoour. DELICATESSEN "FIXTURf Refrigerated coses, counters, reenter, shelves, freezer -bt offer. 77S0896. DFS K7My.O A I gTS -Chatrs. soees.

tototes ond oft gtnr -office equipment NEW ft USED. ALL STATE OFFICE FURNITURE. 402 Clifton Ave Lakewood. N.J33-227 DESK Executive "fyp wit typewriter pod. $40 Call 17J DESKS Files, tookts.

Chan's. od ing mochtnes, typewriters, office -equipment, etc. ot borgwtn price. New or used A A Desk ounot, Rt. 35.

Ookhurst. KE 1 3990 DIAMOND RING 100 pel corn, imperfect dromond. White goto, tor drop. $450 79HJ77 367-6576 ofker m. DIAMOND RING Man's rjrvw, I large and 4 smaller stones, $150.

Call 892 5269 DINETTE SET With chmo cotoMt. modern, 4 highbock vinyl orongtr chairs, excellent condition, $150. 802 8846. DINETTE SET Wrouont Iron, Spanish 4 gold velvet choirs, bfocb tormica top S7uo 80-343. DINETTE SET 5 bloc, tormtco too.

like new $45. COII 223-42. DINETTE SET Wood grotn tobt ft 6 chairs in red print. Asking $35. Coll 8052 DINETTE SET Round tobte, avocado vinyl high bock swivel choirs, $35.

Coll 449 1353. DINING ROOM SET Formal I tot Tab with 2 leaves. 4 so e. 1 arm choirs, complete set ot pods, plus 8 bulb gold leaf chonoetier. $700 toks all.

240-1316. DINING ROOM SET Frultwood. 60" oval table with two 18" leaves, side chairs ond 2 armchotrs, 72" breokfront with Interior lights ond glass insert shelves. $200 34-7822 DINING ROOM SET Tabfe 6' opens to 10' 6 upholstered choirs. Buffet.

6' morble top. China cabinet, marble too $950. 291 9341. DINiNG ROOM SET Soonlsh, 2 piece lighted china coomwt, tobte, 6 chairs. 3 vears old, excellent condition $300.

Call 899 3512. DINING ROOM TABLE New, custom mode, tortoise shett, parsons table. 72x 48' $275 842 8755 DINiNG ROOM SET 7" piece, blonde wood, asking $150. Call -between 6-8 p.m Frl. ft Sat 776-645.

b20 Machinery For Sjle b30 Service 640 Merchandise For Sdle bbO Merchdndise W.jnted NOTICES 700 Auctions 710 Instructions 720 Notices 7 Motor Travel REAL ESTATE RENTALS 800 Homes 810 Summer Rent.ils Winter Rentdls 820 Apartments H2S Nenttls lo Sh.ire 8 '-10 Furnished Rooms 840 Rooms with Bodrd 8S0 Nursinc Homes BbO Business Properties Store' 80 Ottire ind Floor Sp.ire 880 Buildings Gdr.D'es. etc. 8' n0 W.mted lo Rent REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900 Listings Wdnted 90S inted To Buy 1906 Condominiums 90 Out ul Stdte 908 Homes 1110 Inronie Property 1 120Commernjl Property 1 1 4.0 Industrial Property 1 140 I'll', Aaej)'e 1 1 SO I IbO Cemetery Lots I I 0 Mobile Homes I S0 Vehir les Monday 1 1 00 a m. Saturday Display 2 Days preceding publication 77S, 776, 922, ft 774-7000 944 671, 872 671-5200 938 462-9400 364, 367, 928 349 892-7000 920 246 597-8007 640 MERCHANDISE ACTION OVER 50.000 ITEMS For Repair, Remodeling Home Improvemenis. SAVE AT ACTION! STOCKADE, 6' high bv 7'.

Posts optional 14 991 POST RAIL Special' 2 rolls, I post. Reg 7 95 4 29 INCA PECAN Ponels, simulated grain 99 MfcLAMlNfc panels Tor p*rn kircn en (rea 13.95) 2 floral patterns. 4x8 59 CFDAR SHAKES Rustic, knotty, tor Interior or exterior, bundle 5.99 FURRING 1x2, 1000 uses. 6 ft length, regular 36c 24c DOORS flush Interior doors, regular to 16 95 Slight damage 4 95 RAILROAD TIES 8" 3-i ft Used, treated 2.99 SAPOLIN LATEX Dripless Cellini while (list 7.651 aal V' GARDEN CART list $10.99 6 99 ACTION HOME CENTER Rt. 35 Monasauon 528-5300 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE Bedroom, living room ft dinette ALL FOR ONLY $399.95 Delivered set uo.

Immediate delivery on oil Items financing Available Uptown Furniture Center 526 Brood wav, Long Branch, 229 0101 HAMMOND ORGAN ot Asbury Park Also a large selection of pianos Everett, Knobe, Mason Hamlin, Kawoi, Sohmer, Baldwin, Currier, Otto Altenburg, Stectt. Hardman. 775-9300 Open daily 'til 9 Sot. 'til 5 Main St. Corner of Matt I son Ave.

2-WAY RADIO Business, CB, Marine Complete tine of microphones. Antennas ond Accessories Fully FCC licensed service PAUL DAVIS ELECTRONICS 15 Main St. Manasquan 723 9296 REGN PANELING WAREHOUSE Weyerhoeuser Georgia-Pacific Weldwood Rent Hardwoods $4 49 up. REGN FENCE CO. Rt.

34 Poynters Rd Wall Twp. 528 8018 eves. 922-1309 A treasurv ot smokers gifts, COLONI AL TOBACCO. Fi rehouse Won omossa. 774 6830.

ABOVE GROUND POOL 27' all oround, with cover, filter, cost $1300. Sell for $700, vou dismantle. Call 462-4278. ADDING MACHINE Manual, $15. Sidewalk bike $10.

Tricycle $5. Portable phono $20 418 2458, 9 9PJK AIR CONDITIONERS 12,000 BTU, used 2 summers. 22,000 BTU used 1 summer. BoTh for $400 or buy separately. 747 2635.

AIR CONDITIONER 10,300 BTU, very good condition. $125. Call 531 0831. AIR CONDITIONER 2 ton York, excellent condition, best otter. Call 842 5137 ALBERT HAS FRUIT TRFES 6-7', readv to plant, fruit this summer.

Strawberry plants. 449 6858. ALUMINUM SIDING Local contractor has Alcoa aluminum $S99 the first 1000 sa tt Installed on vour home Similar saving on other sidino alterations. Inauire about our manufacturers REBATE OFFER. No money down, terms arranged.

892 5339. AMERICAN FLYER LIONEL TRAIN SETS. 027 gauge $15, 0 gouge $20, standard 774-3710. AMPLIFIER Acoustic modei 260, 270 RMS 8, speaker cabinet two IS" Altec Lansings f. horn with crossover.

Phil 222-6919 ANTIQUE Boynton's Newport coal burning stove. Low bona ponce monitor Kevstone movie prolector 8mm loom lenses. Car tape deck. Cassette recorder. Walkie talkies (2) 5 watts, 6 channels.

899 0064. ANTIQUE carved armolre with beveled mirror, $200. Call 244 8032 ANTIQUE CLOCKS Reoalrs. restn rations, ond sales. Specializing in nunamoae ciocx ciassirs.

ANTIQUE DINING ROOM Cirr.o 1930, 10 piece mahoaanv. perfect condition, moving, must sell, very reasonable. Call 774-1735. ANTIQUE Victorian, 7 piece bedroom set, painted country style circa 1890. 776-6306.

ANTIQUE 1906 Victor talking Machine Co. upright Vlctrolo with 35 records, excellenf condition, $300 or best otter. Call 244 0209. ANTIQUE Brass bed, $500, antique oak bedroom set, $100, block formica bedroom set, $100. antique dining room set, $250.

antique dinette set. $200, slate top pool table. $200, I red velvet couch, and matching black chair, $300. 1 purple velvet antique couch, $50, office furniture, stained glass windows (scenic), 2 door size, 1 picture window size, must see to appreciate. $1500.

Oil paintings. 1 floor safe, $300, crystal chandelier, $50, beautiful electric stove with built In barbecue, griddle, deeo trver 8, rotisserie cost $1000, will sell $600. Huge black recllner, $75. Gasoline pump, $200. 1 soda fountain -(commercial), set up in our den, beautiful, $1500.

495-1437. ANTIQUES "ond collectobies, desks, chests, china, pictures, etc. Call 739 1499, 5-7 p.m. ANTIQUES FOR INVESTMENT We offer an unusual collection of 18th Century French Italian furniture and decorative arts tor the serious investor at less than next year's prices. INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES 10 Riverside Red Bonk, 74V7474 ANTIQUES Furniture, lamps, sliver, brass and china.

741-5843 ANTIQUES Oak chairs, set (5) Oak leaves for table, cut glass, metal ANTIQUES Rogers Groups plus old wind-up phonograph. Coll after 5, 566-8030; ANTIQUES 4 wheels, (2) 5', (2) 4'V, solid oak brass centers, over 100 vears old, like new condition, $150. 477-1900. APPLIANCE PARTS? Commercial and domestic, all mokes and models, ANRIC APPLIANCE INC, 1308 Doris Wonomasso, 775-3666. ATTIC FANS Pr-season special, $129.50 installed.

Includes tree air conditioner check. Good through May 15. 367 4684. BAR BELLS Dumbell set 200 Iron, almosl new, $40 complete. Electric heaterJ5JJ49-66l5.

BAR'stOOLS Set of 4, director type. Chrome vinyl, brand new, $90. Call 367-2865. BAR 5', custom made genuine bourbon barrel bar 2 stooTs, $225. Call 741-6281.

BASS AMPLIFIER Ampeg, V-4B. this model used by the Stones 8, other big names. After 6, 222-7019. BEDROOM' SET Twin mahogany, standing wall cabinet for books, etc. Upholstered chair, rugs, more.

All good. 842 -3674 or BEDROOM SET Girl's, nlahtstand, desk with bookcase, dresser with mlr ror, single bed. Fish tank 10 gal. complete with fish. 842-4288.

BEDROOM SET Living room set, misc. Items. Moving, Sot. Apr. 12, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.

36 Comanche Ocean-port. BEDROOM SET Complete, walnut, twin beds. Call 449-5965 BEDROOM SET Brand new. Excel lent condition. $250.

255-1611. BEDROOM SETS (3) White Provln. ciol. Modern Suite Early American. LOII 05-8346.

BEDROOM SETS (2) Living room set, dinette set. kitchen set. rec. room set Best otter. 928-2017 after 6.

BEDROOM 5 piece, new, $180. Living room, sleeps 2. $180. kitchen set $40. 495-0095 otter 1 p.m.

BICYCLE LIQUIDATION Some moaeis oeiow cost. Kay Motors, Long Branch BICYCLE Adult tricycle. Large rear bosket, A-l condition. $75 firm. 223-4430.

BICYCLE Girl's 20" Banana, 3 speed Columbia, hardly used, like new, onlv $40. 222-4121. BICYCLE Girls 5 speed, basketball set Fol-boot. 28 Oregon Jack son. BICYCLE Girl's 24" banana.

3 speed. Like new $35. 229-9014 BICYCLE Raleigh, 3 speed men's, used 3 times, $45. Call 892-526? BICYCLE Woman's 3 speed. Brand new.

Excellent condition. Extras. Still under guarantee. $70 681-8699. BfCYCLES (2) Boys 1 speed, like new, $125.

Coll 295 9297 BIKE Girl's 3 speed new $50; Mini Honda 73 $100; electric dryer $15; gas water heafer $20. 458-3824. BOOKCASE GloHfronr larae. desks $39 up, kitchen sets $39 up, end tables, wicker pieces, much. much more.

842-6331, 36 Oceanport Little silver. GERMAN SHFPHt en Plipt AKC, 2 females, solid black. Shots paper rrainea. J6, IU39, GERMAN SHFPHERD PUPS $25 Call 223 0947 BERMAN SHEPHFRO PUPPY Champion stock. Papers.

Female. $50 364-7444. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY Male, 5 months old. shots. Excellent WOTCnoog LOII 364-V821.

GERMAN SHE PHEROPUPl- AK-L, musT sen Coll 899 2182 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP AKC -Female, big boned, excellent temper ament. $60. 536 3611. GERMAN SHEPHERDS 7 weeks with shots, $35 ea. Call 291-9061 or 44-f (42 orrery p.m.

GERMAN SHORT HAIRED PbT7 TER LAB mixed puppies, 5 mos excellent temperament, terrific tor tamlly or Jleld $25. 780-2430, GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS -AKC, MALES FEMALES, A BEAU TIFUL LITTER. 223 3050 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS AKC Born Feb. 17, '75. 3 males, 1 female shots, $150 29 2275.

GOLDEN SEX-LINKS FOR SALE 8 months old call 462 7757 GOOD HOMES FOUND for older dogs. Cash for pure bred pups. THE rt I IfcKY, HU J636. GREAT DANE PUPPY Brlndle. $45.

Call 928-3249; GREAT DANE PUPPIES AKC rea Istered. black male female, cropped ft, snoTS, 536-VJ64. HAY Timothy clover, Jay-De-Joe Koncn. 928 2760 HAY $1 60 Timothy alfalfa. $1.95 Straw $1.60 Heavy wired boles Horses boarded, night riding.

493 8068. HAY STRAW New box stalls available 431 2576 HAY STRAW Red Rose horse aog Teea. lasota harms, kt. 50. Marlboro Near Camp Arrowhead) HIMALAYAN FLAME POINT KITTENS Call 341-4099.

HORSE WAN TFD on loon or lease tor 6 mos. Must be quiet sound up to carrying 200 lbs. English training, home guaranteed. 364 5170. 16 253 HORSE Block marefoentTe for anyone.

Beautiful conformation, $450 with tackCall 928 1550. HORSE Brown gelding, 15 hands, 8 years old, gentle 8, sound, needs work, $300. 542 28 '6. HORSE Dopplv gray gelding, 15 .1 gentle 81 sound, has been oinnert extremely successfully over fences up to 4' by 12-veor-old owner. Wormed Inoculated Negative Coaglns.

May be seen anynme. 44V-4BU6. HORSE Hunter lumper, type, 16 nanas, year old roon gelding. Call OH I-1 V7 Or 44V-8U5V. HORSE Paso Flno Gelding, years, registered, 14 hands.

COII462-361L HORSE Standard bred mare Rea Istered. Mark ot 2:05. Very gentle to riae arive. S2V5. J6-8B65.

HORSE Thoroughbred Boy 9 years, we behaved, aood umner Asking $1200. 544 8300 ext. 159 before 5. HORSE 4-year-old champion bred lennessee woixer. 16 hands.

Beauti ful animal. Reasonable. B70-3063. HORSE 5 years old. thnrnuahhred 15.2 hands.

Bay gelding, papers, some scnooiing, ror experiencea riaer. A sure thing at $2400 Call 449 9609. HORSES BOARDED Tahne Arret large box stalls. $85 mo. for horses mciuaes evervTning.

si aav Tor pon ies. Ponies, horses A tark; fnr tnle Open every evening 8 weekend. Call joivro. HORSES Pleasant Grove Form. male track, boardina.

200 acres trolls, trainer on premises, breaking tor pleasure racing, oe luxe plea sure horses and tack. HORSES (3) 2 mares. aeidina Excellent trail horses. First $500 lakes oh 3. Call M-7B96.

HORSESHORSES-HORSES New riding club forming. Instructions plus pionnea acnviTtes. we sudpiv everything Phone 229 2355367 9874. IRISH SETTER PUPPIES mini Schnauzers. reasonable.

Coll 657-6065. IRISH SETTER PUPPPIES AKC, 6 weeks old. males females, reasona ble. Call 830-9171. IRISH SETTER AKC papers, female, 3 mos.

old. $50 Call 477-59 K-9 INC. Can train vour doa obedl ence. home protection or business protecrion. 269 5566.

LABRADOR RETRIEVERS AKC. block, 1 male, 1 female, 6 weeks, $125 ea. can vju-si 16. LABRADOR RETRIEVER 14 champion background, rare choco lore, socririce, svs. can 4-V41, LABRADOR RETRIEVERS Slack remates, akc, weexs Ola.

780-9091 LHASA APSO AKC, female. 2 years old. good quality tor breeding $200. CoJI 364-3047. LHASA APSOS Champion sired, 6 females, 7 males 8, tiny Yorkles.

Stud service for both. 269-J61A LUCKY ACRES Horses ond tack Call after 5 p.m., ail day weekends 297-3858. mIniature schnaOzer PUPS -AKC, champion bloodline. Coll (609) 693-9601. OBEDIENCE CLASS AM reals trotlon Apr.

7, 10 a.m. p.m. class Apr. 14, 7 p.m. J5GSDC, 681-6637: OWNER HANDLERS Present "Gait" study of dogs in motion.

AKC film, Apr. 18, Ookhurst. Donation $1. 222-1313, 747-1090. 681 4104.

PALOMINO MARE 14 1 hands English or Western. Perfect for begin ner in jumping. Well mannered. Good home only, must sell. $350.

Call 542-7515. PEKINGESE PUPS AKC. 8 weeks. 4 females, 1 male, $90 up. Coll 257 0785ofter 6 p.m.

PERSIAN CAT Silver chinchilla female, CFA, seeks compatible stud. Call 222J685orJ22-8032; PONIES" HORSES Saddles driving harness, pony carts. Call 449-3255. It no answer 449-9853. PONY Block 'gelding, 12.2 excellent temperament.

Good child's horse. $IIK). rack available. 2V5-4323 or 892-1664. POODLE Black, male, vears old, dislikes children, loves grown-ups oniyLaH-v'51.

POODLES OUR SPECIALTY Rich Hill Pet Center. 208 Clifton Lakewood, 64.3855. POODLES AKC, Miniatures, 2 chocolate brown males, 1 block male and 1 black female. 6 weeks old. 542-5723.

POULTRY White rocks Anconas, pullets, 4 weeks old, $1.25 ea. White silkies, young, $3.50 ea. Day old chicks available on order, priced -according to breed. 367-8665, PUPS WANTED IN LITTER Lots must be cute ond healthy (609) 452-8903 SADDLE Western, 7 sliver studs, $250. Lall 544-IJ SAMOYED Mole, 1 year, pulls sleigh or wagon, will live In or out.

Call 367-8108. SCOTTIES AKC, females, black, 2 3 vears old, excellent dispositions especially with children, $50 each. 842-5980; SIAMESE KITTENS 2 females, 7 weeks old, litter trained, $25 a piece. Call 542-4550; SIAMESE KITTENS Chocolate point, Iliac point blue point, litter trained, healthy, $35. 449-5325.

SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIES -AKC, blue eves, champion blood line. J0-4I5J ST. BERNARD PUPPIES Good markings, parents on premises. Call 34W54. ST BERNARD With papers, 5 mos.

old, $150. Lall 341-0619 STANDARDBRED Pacing gelding. 3 years old with papers. 2 riding hors es, COII LIIV 4JI-S0V3, iuto 3. iTONEHENGE DOG TRAINING KOLLEGE All breeds training.

Obedience, protection. Dogs avail- able. 536-6338. TACK New 4 used. English western saddles accessories.

Call nightly 7 to 10, all day Sun. 462 8112! PATIO SPECIAL 400 su. tt $375, labor mterlal. Call 4-I3UB. 610 FARM EQUIPMENT TRACTOR Farmall Cub, looks runs like new, set up tor cultivating dozer blade included.

New tires front rear. $900 firm. 542-5907 after 6 p.m. 3 BOTTOM JD'PLOW 3 ooint hitch, 2 bottom Ford plow, 3 oolnt hitch, Slckel Mower, Ford 3 point hitch. JD hay conditioner, call 938-2256.

620 MACHINERY BACKHOE 15-H, A-l condition nlw John Deere Ridlna Lawn Mower $230. Call 291-3744. FORK LIFT Yale, 4000 lb. (1). Solid tire, aasollne enaine.

Yale 2000 lb. fork lift, (1), solid tire, gasoline -engine, 431-5353. TABLE SAW 10" (Oliver) 3-phose. 2-hoie doweling machine, single phase. Disc sanding machine.

Call IOUVJ OVJ-V4BS. TD6 4-WAY BUCKET ON TRACKS. CALL (609)693-5834 USED GRAVELYS 8 speed with electric start, equipped with new toory plow $695. Many other used Gravely Tractors and attachments In stock. JEP SALES INC.

4351 South Broad St. Yardville, N.J. 609-585-2300 TEACHER ottering "mini" corns experience lor pre-schoolers this summer, SI per hour, lunrh Included Coll 367 3313, in Howell lor detolls. TUTOR FOR SPANISH In your nome or mine, wny oo TO summer School! Coll 341-7779. TUTORING Certified elementarv schoolteacher, grades j-l.

call S4Z V4M or S4Z-rUJU. TYPIST Fast accurate, wishes Typing or nome, experienced It rellO' ble. Call 9213448. VOCALIST Looking tor working commercial group. Linda, 899- 7184.

WILL babysit evenings, my horn or yours. Call 222 9439 oWw 6 p.m. WILL BABYSIT In my Avon home Reasonable rates. Experienced moth er. 9B8 1260.

WOMAN Desires day work, Belmar orea, possible sleep In, recent refer ences. Call 681-4161. 430-WORK WANTED CARPENTER WORK DONE Kltch ens, remodeling, panellngs, additions rooting. Insured. Reasonable rotes.

Call after 5 m. 222-3642. CARTOONIST with original comic strip Ideas Is seeking work. Call James Burke, (2011462-7109. FAMILY MAN seeks superintendent or maintenance position In exchange for apt.

salary. Experienced, has own tools. 367-5708. HANDYMAN Rooms pointed, JI9 a room, roots patched. Call Mr.

Dunes 77 1220. LAWN CLEAN UP Mowing. Rea sonoble rates. Deal to Spring Lake. George, 775-9271.

LAWN SERVICE WORK From Long Branch to Belmar, Ciaude Deaver, 988-5366. MIXOLOGIST Office monager seeking part-time work as mixologist. Recently groduated mixology college. Write Press Box 122 Asbury Park, N.J. 07712.

PAINTING Professionally done. $20 a room. Also plumbing done. 24 hourwrvlc 229J0568. WILL INSTALL or repair above ground swimming pools.

Cheap. 349 S063 EXOTIC DANCERS Available for ymjrprlvote exotic parties. GOLDEnTiNGERS MASSAGE Male female masseuses, special rates tor couples. 988-0060. LAWN CARE Lawns cut edged! Complete service.

Reasonable reliable. Free estimates. 842 8 U3 5 10 LOANSINVESTMENTS A-l FINANCING Investment con sultonts for foreign lenders have $5,000,000 available tor mortgages, refinancing or business ventures. 988 9559 or 776- 654j ves. HOMEOWNERS All types of loans.

Refinance vour home, pay off all your bills Into one small monthly payment. Also home Improvement loans and business loans. Call Caruso Co. Your financial consultant, tor assls-tonc-24 hour service. Call 988-7272.

LEASE EQUIPMENT FINANCING-BANK RATES CALL 780- f0.4 up to siooo Call 240-4300 CAPITOL FINANCE CORP. 520-MORJGAGES ATTENTION HOME BUYERS -Attorneys, Builders, Brokers 80 conventional mortgages available through FRANK APPLEBY REALTORS, Mortgage Loan Correspondents tor Howard Savings. Ask tor Mr. Brain. 988-1900.

AVAILABLE for 1st. Mortgage Money for Business or Commercial 899 5000. HOME OWNERS Refinance vour home. Up to 30 years to pay. Dependable Mortgage Investment Corp.

Call Mr. Dunes, 774-1220. LONDON KENNELS AKC Yorkshire terriers, West Highland White Terriers, Poodles, Maltese, Pekingese, also Molti poos, (not AKC). 1 ml. south of N.J.

Turnpike, Borden town Exit 7 on Rt. 206. Bank Amerlcard. (609 298 3864 A Division-American Dog Training DOG OBEDIENCE IN YOUR HOME PROBLEMS CORRECTED LIFETIME GUARANTEE For Free Evaluation Call 963 3700 America Largest Training School ABC. Free female cot, spoved, has all shots.

99-755I. Mum ADORABLE PUPPPIFS Free to good home. Three moles, two females. 222-6386 after 6 p.m. ADORABLE Registered poodle puppies, 8 weeks old, must sell.

Call 46Z-6UVJ. AFGHAN PUPS Rainbow litter. terms ovallabie. Reasonable. 2SV0 AFGHAN AKC Male, 22 aprl: cot with black mask.

AIREDALE PUPS Champion bloodlines AKC registration. (609) 597-2748, I6091J97-8I89. AKC GREAT DANE PUPS Pure color bred fawn, shots 8, cropped, excellent pedigree. 72 7-1458. AKC MINI POODLES Male, Female, black, 6 weeks old.

Reasonable. Cull 542-1525 Eves. AKC PUPPIES Yorkshire Terriers, Lhasa Adso's, 8, Blchon Frise. Also Himalayan kittens. Stud service.

Terms 341-4493, 244-3629. AKC WEIMARANER PUPS Silver gray, excellent hunting breed or house petsJlOO.69 3179. ALASKAN MALAMUTE PUPS -AKC, big, gentle lines. Coll 938 4775. ALL BREED BOARDING Training Obedience Guard SPECIALIZING IN German Shepherds Dobes Guard Dogs Rottweilers Bull terriers ARALE KEN LS 363-84 73 BABY Chicks, ducks, turkeys, geese, lambs, goats, bunnies, guinea pigs.

MI-31II. IRDS SMALL ANIMALS FISH PET ACCfcbSUKItS PTUN ECJ TY JJHOP BOXER 1 town female. 5 conditional sale. Breeder. 244-1280 CAT Pure white male, altered, 1 year old, needs good home.

Call 899-2113. CHERRY LANE offers for sole Chlhu-ahuo Pups. $75. Mini Schnauzers SI50. Standard Poodle $150 to $250.

Top quality. Health guaranteed. 462-2572. CHIHUAHUA PUPS AKC 1 short coat 1 long, 7 weeks, best champion eves. 269-4345.

co*ck-A-POOS 6 weeks, block, wormed, $50. Home raised. Call 364-7460. co*ckAPOO PUPPY Adorable male, $35. THE PETTERY, 870-3636 COLLIE PUPPIES AKC, fluffy balls of fur.

Shots wormed. Reasonable. Call breeder after 5 p.m. 229-5938. COLLIE PUPS AKC, sobles ond trls.

shots and wormed, eves checked. 679-2402. COLLIE PUPS All sable, AKC registered, championship background. Call anytime 244-9712. DACHSHUND Red, longhaired, female, 2 years old, AKC.

566-3734 DOBERMAN PINCHERS AKC, beautiful pets champion sired show prospects. Raised with children. 938-5560. DOBERMAN PINSCHER AKC -Black male, 15 months old $250. For your home or business.

Call 269-5566. DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Start soon. ALL types. ALL ages. And most Important we GUARANTEE -results.

Complete 6 week course lust $35. Call today for details-limited registration. K-9 PETTERY, 870-3636. FEED FOR LIVESTOCK Leftover products. On sal for reasonable prices.

244-3633 FREE PUPPIES Cute good -natured, will give to good horn. Call 928-1468. FREE TO GOOD HOME Spayed dedlawed, very affectionote female cot. 747-1150. FREE Beautiful puppies to good home.

Mother German Shepherd, father? Coll 899-3647. FREE German Shepherd, male. 1 vear old, AKC, champion blood lines. verv tine dog. i-6iv.

FREE To good home, small male, mostly poodle, housebroken, good with children. 367-6097 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS -Whelped Mar. 1, extremely attractive sire dam carefully selected to produce beautiful, healthy litter. Parents seen by oppt. vz-ue.

GERMAN SHEPHERD 8 AKL. SU tSJ-IWSi GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS -AKC, champion sired, shots, wormed. also soiia diqck remote, jjp-wbv. GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC regis tered male, tor stud service. Call 364-8036 after 6 p.irv GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP Ador able female, 3 mos.

papers. Call 657-4780 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES AKC Gooa price. LOII Oner 3 p.m. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES -AKC, large, black tan beauties, sire dam on premises, 449-2517. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP AKC 11 mos.

old, all shots, large boned, reasonable, can J64 648V. PART TIME 8 to 1 p.m. weekduys and8 to 5 Sat, Mechanically Inclined ona unoa neaa tor prices, abl went als, 988-0335. PART TIME Public relations work! earns ywj per nour pius bonus, eve nlng work, 6 9 p.m. Pleasant sur roundings.

MrBloke, 431-9599. PART TIME feieohone rnnm mnn. ager. Good storting salary and bonus, must oe experiencea in nananng telephone room. JWrMarks 431-9599.

PART TIME 3 People to demon" strafe hobby, paint crafts Items. For more Infonriatlon call 229 3631. PART TIME help For Interview phone 222 9076. PART TIME Office trainee. Bright Lakewood.

Send resume Press Bon 116-BLAsburyPork, N.J. PART TIME Hebrew School Teach er for Fall term. Call 363-2800 PART TIME Drive a.m. home newspaper route, salary and expen ses, must have car 774 7370. PART TIME Manage a second Income business of your own.

Unlimited potential. Call 244 0822. PART-TIME HELP With dally newspaper In Southern Ocean County. Position Includes reporting and some clerical work. Reply Asbury Pork ress, k.u.

box 41, 10ms River, N.J 08753. PARTS CLERK New cor dealer, must be experienced, full benefits, paid holidays, paid vacation. Apply In person Bin Lanzoro Auto sales, mc, Matawan. 566-2224; PARTS PERSON Wanted for auto ports store, hxperience required. Apply Norwood Distributors, 610 Park Freehold PERSON NEEDED To prep new cors at estopitsnea new cor oeater ship.

Must be able to perform ail duties In new cor preparation department. All company-paid benefits, -Includlna Insurance ft vacations. Apply In person only, West Side Ford, kt. 66, Neptune. PHOTOGRAPHERS Experienced, weaaings, must nave wu camera out fit.

Call 583-2400. PHYSICIANS House physicians In acute general hospital, N.J. license required. Contact Administrator, Community Memorial Hospital, Toms Kiver, J4v huuu. PIANO PLAYER WANTED We are seeking a mellow soul who Is artistic, congenial ft not oriented towards Immediate profit, free to rehearse aays possibly nignts.

lots of experi ence a must. Vocals are preferred but not essential Call '776-9026 when you can, but not before 10 a.m. or after 12 mianiTe: PLANT SHOP MANAGER Person wanted to take charge of gen era! duties In shop. Call 295-2320 POLISHER Must be experienced tor 100 snoo work, steoay employ ment. Apply Becker Plating, 121 Hwy 35, Neptune.

775-8945. PRESSMAN (MW) PRINTING A Dick, 350 ft 360 experience. Toms River area. Call otter 7:30 p.m. only Mr.

Hoffman, 364 4619. PRINTER Experienced Davidson off set, needed part time, phone WZ54. PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT Send resume to Art Pasternak or call 922 1600 Execuguide Personnel, 34301 sunset wanamassa. PROGRAMMER Prefer exoerl enced In basic language will consider trainee, ion if-wu Mr. osgooaby.

REAL ESTATE SALES Our firm looking for 5 experienced residential saies associates, who have had ex per ience working with Middletown at ea, to staff a new office opening in May Our firm, which has been In the busi ness for 54 years, wonts people who are makina a career or rea estate. We do not want a wall full of licenses; there will be no part time associates. we ore offering a starting commission so it ot 60-40 wtth added benefits after. the 1st year. We are members of MLS in tne process of becoming mem bers of a national referal service.

If you ore Interested in lolning our firm call Mr. Arthur Scholossbach, 681-4278 for a confidential Interview. REAL ESTATE SALES We have several openings for men women ml our residential sales department Experience is not necessary, excel lent training program and hi ah com missions. We belong to 3 Multiple Listing Systems, Call Bob Grimm Agency, M6-B4W. REAL ESTATE SALES Become part of 0 young and exciting organization.

2 positions available. 1 part time. 1 full time with Fitzgerald Realtors. Our success and enthusiasm Is ton to gious and motivating. Full training program, rvtemoer nniMLa.

Lai 531-4900 for personal Interview. REAL ESTATE SALES Our expbn slon oroaram demands ambitious salespeople Interested In earning $20,000 per year or more, licensed orl willing to learn. For private Interview! can 4-vuuu, Locxwooa real tor. REAL ESTATE SALES OPENING In very busy office; 1 manager, 2 full time. 1 part Time ncensea saies per sonnel.

Liberal commission spilt member MCMLS. Call for appt CAR kinu AotNLT, wanamassa 988 8800. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN OR WOMEN Licensed. Full or part time. Member Ocean County Multiple service, loii fc.

Kennern Anaruss, Realtor, Habitat Center 70, Brick Town, 477-7202. REAL ESTATE SALES PERSONS WANTED Liberal commissions offered. ADRAIN S. CLAYTON. Real tor, 412 Main Avon.

N.J. 775-6040 or 531 8632. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON Must be licensed for development work in Toms River. Draw available Dano Agency, 269 4444. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON -Licensed, HOGARTY AGENCY, Real tors.

Spring Lake449 4449J REAL ESTATE SALES No previous experience necessary. N.J. license required. Call 244-7474. RESUMES Wrlttenlor results, rea sonabie rates or If you have a good one send it along, we may be able to place you.

jumn ptitKbui, aocn CY, 157 Broad Red Bank. ROOFERS Experienced, aluminum sidina workers and truck driver help ers. Apply In person mornings at Tiio 113 Hwy. 35, Wanamassa. Equal upporruniTy tmpover.

ROUTE DRIVER Stead em lew ment. Benefits. Inquire Central Coat Apron ft Linen Service, 500 Atkins Neptune. SALES Individuals needed part time In Paint and Home Decor Departments of large retail nome center, oooa start Ing salary, pleasant working condl ttons, and chance tor advancement, Please apply In person: RICKEL HOME CENTER 51 Chambers Bridge Rd. Brick Town, N.J.

An Equal Opportunity Employer SALES Furniture, full time, experienced Wolpln's Carriage House, 363-2500 Ask for Mr. Wolpln. An Equal Opportunity Employer SALES CLERK Full time. Horrls Pharmacy, 15 wbst Main freehold. 462-0071 SALES ESTIMATOR Established Interior contract na firm desires per son with proven sales background In rnnt.trur.fnn or related field tor Cen tral Jersey territory.

Reply Press Box i-L, Asoury park. SALES HELP Now accepting appll cations for future employment for part-time help In a ladles' shoe store. Must be 18 or over. Apply In person only, no phone calls. Shoe Time, located In H.

L. Green's, 632 Cookman Asbury Pork. SALES Aggressive self-starter, sell world famous pools. Previous pool experience helpful. 446-9322.

SALES Canvass direct to consum er. nereisnrv service. Excellent com mission schedule can generate income in excess of $150 per week for good closer. Asbury Park Freehold 774-5565 431-397 SALES Fabrics, custom draperies, new store. Experienced.

Salary, com- mission. Steady. 367-2300 780-9339. SALES Friendly toy Parties Is exrwindina looklna for managers In your area. Party Plan experience preferred.

Highest commission, no delivering or coiiecTing. tarn your kii fri Cnll collect Carol Dav (518)489-4571 or write Friendly Home Parties 2U KOiiroaa Aioany N.Y. 12205. A Full or oart time, for beau ty supply house, to cover Monmouth ft Ocean County beauty parlors. Pay plus commission plus cor expense.

Knowledge of beauty products or hairdresser, can 542 6J12 eves. SALES High commissions, all leads furnished. No canvassing. Press Box 136-B, Asbury Pork QfW. SALES National corporation Intro duclng new product is accepting -nnniirntions for ODDortunitv as repre sentative In local community.

Good income, no investment starr imme diately. LOII 4I-2U46. SALES or sales trainee. Willing to learn medical surgical supplies. Car necessary.

Reply Press 108-B, Asbury park, N.J. vi i vi SALESPERSON Company wants responsible Individual to work part Time selling to mannos in i.emrui n.j area. Commission only. Write Fiber lav East, 83 Meadow Hartford 06114. SALESPERSON Aggressive person Interested In lucrative sales posmon Opportunity for advancement to man agemenl.

Some experience preferred but not reaulred. Call 295-232(1 SALESPERSON For collection aaencv. in accounts receivables. experienced onlv. must hove own transportation, Incentive program, for appt.

can wr. ueuomo. SALESPERSON Meat wholesale. salary, commission, experienced only, una resume to k.u. box iao, Pt.

Pleasant Beach, N.J. 08742. SALESPERSON Experienced. For new home development. Commission only.

2 or 3 davs a week. Toms River area. Lati nywr trom to 5 p.m. SALESPERSON Aggressive, new used rnoror vehicles, many Denems. Call tor Interview 295-1500.

SECRETARIAL RECEPTIONIST -Must be able to handle diversified duties In a 1 person office. 462-5879. SECRETARIES t-ull ft part time. Law office. Typing ft shorthand 0 must.

741 4854. SECRETARY Good skills required tor busy corporate officer. Credit or legal background preferred Apply In person Glen Rock Lumber, Bdg. 586, Rt. 70, Brick Town.

SECRETARY" For youth counseling service. Lakewood, Jackson area Responsible, energetic, Independent individual with typing ft clerical -experience. Steno not necessary, but helpful. Must enioy phone ft personal contact with people of ail ages. Send detailed resume to M.

Sullivan, 8 Dover JacksonNJ. 08527. SECRFtARY ExcellentTypIng ft steno required. Need bookkeeping experience. Hours 9 5 with occasional eves, ft weekends.

Salary negotiable. P.O. Box 247, Deal, 0723. SECRETARY" Typing ft shorthand required 9 $, excellent benefits. -Apply ot Manolapon Twp.

Municipal Building, Engllshtown-Freehold 446-3200. SECRETARY Private, exoerl enced. Typing ft steno required Si 15 week. Call Peter Costanzo 22-1050. SECRETARY Excecutlve Excel lent skills required, immediate post tion available.

Call Mr. Rosa at 780-30W, Freehold area Company. SECRETARY Must take shorthand ft type, 5 davs. CaM 528 7788 SECRETARY Freehold law office. Legal experience preferred.

Call Mr. Sage 431-4905; SECRETARY Light typing, book keeping tor TV repair store. Call after 6 JraDDl 10 STaIT- 349 8943. SECRETARY Excellent Typlsti part time mornings, 5 days. Call tor Inter view 528-6333.

SFCR A RECEP TION I ST Part time, Mon. thru Frl. 1-5 p.m. Must be good typist. CaM 462-0303.

SERVICE PERSON For swimming pools, shold have experience in flf fers, heaters, pumps ft motors. Good opportunity for full-time employment, fringe benefits. Call Aqua-Soft, 446-9322. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT -Light mechonic. Full or part time.

363-8533, 928 2527. SEWER CLEANER WANTED -Must have driver's license, plumbing experience helpful.oll 787 U36. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS -For sleeve setting, sew out, sleeve point ft body making. Air conditioned shop, union shop, no lay-offs, year round work, paid holidays ft 3 weeks vocation. Apply in person Robert Lewis 804 Broadway, Long Branch.

SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS -For Union Special safety machine. CaljJ64 3412 SHEET METAL MECHANIC For Installation ot heating and air condl Honing equipment. Call 244 0979 ask for Neil. SHIRT PRESSERS Experienced preferred, good pay, short hours. Apply Little Silver Cleaners, 601 Branch Little Silver SHORT ORDER COOK Experience preferred.

Sat. nights. 5 to 2 a.m. Apply In person White Shanty Inn, Rt. 79, Matawan.

583-9220. SORTER For linen service. No experience necessary. Apply Central Coat, Apron ft Linen Service, 500 Atkins Neptune. SUPERINTENDENT ASSISTANT Experienced.

Apt. provided. Must have references. For information call 493-2330 between 10 2, SUPERINTENDENT Sea Bright. Garden apts.

Mechanical, conscientious, good conditions 267-1492. TRUCK MECHANIC Experience required, Avenel. 574 0700 ask for George. TURF "MANAGER" Experienced, for automated lawn service. Ability to handle all iobs efficiently.

Business education and mechanical ability helpful. Salary plus commission on sales. For appt. call Mr. Cortelvou 747-2183.

TURRET LATHE OPERATOR Must do own set-up, experience -reaulred. Dahmer Marine Hardware 264 5799. TYPIST Part time afternoons, law office. Wall Twp. Litigation experience necessary.

Reply Press Box 9 BAitHjrYf5.rk; USED CAR LOT ATTENDANT -Must hove valid N.J. driver's license. 5 day week. All benefits. Apply Steve or Bob, Wood lake Lincoln Mercury, 199 Ocean Lakewood.

WAITERSWAITRESSES Bus boysbus girls. 18 years or older. Experienced only apply. 91j2404. WAITRESSES WAITERS Experi enced only apply In person.

Blue Swan Diner, 2116 Hwy. 35, Ocean Twp. WAITRESSES WAITERS Full ft port time for new pancake house ft restaurant. Apply In person only 3-6 p.m. Apr.

14 IS. The Wrangler Steak Barn, 595 Brick Brick Town. WAITRESSES WAITERS Must have 2 years experience. Call 223-2033. WAITRESSESWAITERS Lunch ft evening work available.

Apply Ye Old Lear inn, ki. 10ms Kiver. WAITRESS WAITER For busy cof fee shoo, experienced. Apply in person. No Sundays.

609 Cookman Asbury Park. WAITRESS WAITER Must be -experienced In co*cktails. Call for appt. 222-4427. WAITRESSWAITER Full time, Rusty's Diner, Rt.

34, Colllngwood Parkv38-V8j. WAITRESSWAITER Experienced. Night shift. Apply in person, Sliver Bell Diner, Rt. 9, Lakewood.

WINDOW CLEANER-FLOOR WAX-ER Must be experienced in both. days. 462-1344. WINDOW WASHERS FULL TIME Experienced window washers only. In the New Shrewsbury-Red Bank-Long Branch area.

7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Good benefits. Call 661-3000. WOMAN Live In to care for elderly lady.

References. Reply Press Box 'A' Asbury Park. RAY TECHNICIANS Freehold Area Hospital seeks 2 part time technicians, 4 p.m, -midnight every other weekend, and 5 p.m.- 9 p.m. Mon. -Frl.

Excellent wage ft benefit program. For interview call 431-2000 ext. 318. 420-WORK WANTED HOME NURSING CARE When vou need a nurse, nurses aide or companion at reasonable rates. CALL QUALITY CARE 494-3430 395 Moln Meluchen A-l BODY MASSAGE Home or office calls bv aoot only.

364 8779 aTgolden touch massage "Where prices are right massages ore dynamite. Masseues are out of sight we're open all night." 24 hour studio residential service, Robin, Gave, Vera. Trlcla, Irene Wanda, 84J-7810. No answer 842-084J A-l MASSAGE Medically Trained, conditioning, scientific massage. Kin-ley Graduate.

Mildred, 776-8i47. A-T MASSAGE Sauno, mn, worn-n. Ann, Marie, Michelle, Donna. Open 9-9, 6 days. 741-8881, 741-8895.

A-1A BODY MASSAGE Put your body In mv hands, relieve your tension. Residential, 363-2706. A-l MASSAGE 10 to II dolly. It's nice to be kneaded." by appt. ATTENTION AA-l MASSAGES "Crystal's away But Sue is sure to make vour day." Open 9 a.m.

to 2 a.m. 774-2205 BABY SITTING PARKWAY EXIT 105 542-4824 BABY SITTING Tender loving care In my home so vou can work with peace of mind. Neptune. 922-4S61, BABYSITTING RN will car for vour children, davs or eves. Playground facilities ond orts crafts available.

Also available tor vacationing parents. Excellent references. ao-iuHj. BABYSITTING Mother ot 3 year old will babysit days or eves. In mv nome or yours.

Keterences. loms Kiver area, svt-siu. BABYSITTING Reliable college student will babysit nights do light housework. Call 542-3746. BABYSITTING Tender loving care In my home so you can work with peacejjt mind.

Neptune. 775-0048. BABYSITTING Done. Brick Town area. Brick Plaza.

Call 920-9619 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE 222-1232 CHILD CARE HOUSEKEEPERS, sleep-In, $75-1100 foreign women with references experience, no agency fee to employer. International contact Mr. Slegel, (21 2) 689-8741. CHILD CARE Experienced, In Brick Town home, I provide lunches, snacks, playmates, peace of mind. 892-4426.

CHILD CARE Ralntree-Lakewood area, 3 years old, reasonable. LOII DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS -Eatontown area. Call 542-4305. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wishes dav work, own transportation, J0 day. Loll M4-I Ijv FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENT Ot mature age, responsible, desires summer employment.

Years of experience meeting the public. Reply Press Box 132 Asbury Pork, N.J. 07712. HAITIAN HELPERS Men or women, part time, sleep In or out, cleaning, housekeeping, outside men. Call Lisa 774-7518.

HOUSEKEEPER Excellent references, S25 a day. Own transportation. Call 922-4583. PRACTICAL NURSE FULL OR PART TIME, DAY OR NIGHT, FOR ELDERLY 4 CONVALESCENTS. 988 4066.

INSURANCE OFFICE WORKER experienced in roting wrmnq per- ftnnnl linos Cnntnrt Menrv Srnuflftr 600 Washington Sea Girt. ouu. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR On Svi ems 3, with minimum of 1 vear experience, also knowledge of control procedure. Call 431-3300 for appt. An tquai opportunity tm plover KEYPUNCH OPERATORS 129 Of Key to tape experience.

Will train ex per enced ooerators on tooe. GONZER, 7M Shrewsbury New wewsDurv. B4-jvuu. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR IBM 12 experience, part time, 15 hours eek lv. 58 or e-9 p.m.

Phone uviMVOQ, ext. 241, between 11-5 p.m LADIESMEN Work at home on the phone, earn up to $25-150 per ween aepenaing on time avanoDie. Lail Mrs. Babltl 870-3000 LAUNORESS (MwV Full time, youa saiary pus company penents AddIv In oervtn Green ftrctvm Cnnva I ps cent Center, Green Grove Rd. ki.

oo, Neptune. LEGAL CALENDAR PERSON To nanaie busy trial attorney schedule experience necessary. Located In small office In Southern Monmouth tOUmy, LOII 44V-812V LEGAL SECRETARY Must be experienced, salnrv S7AO a week. Reply to Press Box 126 Asbury ram. LEGAL SECRETARY For Red Bonn area law firm witn modern offices.

Pleasant working conditions, Salary open. 747 2300. LEGAL SECRETARY Freehold office. Experience necessary. Salary commensurate with experience.

Coll nnr. aage 4JI-4W5. LEGAL SECRETARY Wlfh experi ence In lltiootlon, for busy trial attor neys, small office. In Southern monmourn county, eon 449 8 125. Legal secretary steno tvo Ing, legal experience required.

Free hold office, 431 1400. LEGAL SECRETARY Experience preferred, salary commensurate with qpnny. wwti, LIFEGUARDS Certified male eV female for apartment swim club in Freehold. Coll Phil jm-mvs oner p.m. MACHINE OPERATOR To operate maintain styrofoam cud machines on rne 4- 2 sn n.

Mechanical back ground required, applicants should be production-minded as high volume output is reauirea. txcettem oenems Apply Thompson Industries, Mid-Mon mouth Industrial Park, New Shrews bury. MAID Port time, 7-9 p.m. Little Sll ver area. Serve dinner, wash dishes, clean kitchen.

Have own trans porta tion. S3 per hour. Write P.O. Box 92, Oak hurst. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC To perform all phases of plant ma nte nance.

Applicants should have oood mechanical ability as well as some eiecrncai experience, secure perma nent ob with excellent benefits. Apply Thompson Industries, Mid -Mon mouth inausmai rark, New bnrewsbury. MAINTENANCE PEOPLE For motel, nice living quarters, expert enced, references. Call 542-0519. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE For wholesaleretail.

Excellent earnings Interview 8 a.m. Aor. 15. at the Holt day Inn, Rt. 9, Lakewood, ask for BOO.

MANAGER Use your experience working wim me in your spore Time. Earn S3-600 mo. 842-6350, 4-7 p.m. MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAG ER Experienced. Full time part time.

For wearing apparel retail store. Good salary, good hours. With future. Send resume to Press Box Uf Asbury Pork. MASSAGE TECHNICIAN Exoerl enced or trainee.

Full time In small massage studio. Fabulous salary TIPS. B41-0UB4. MASSEUSESMASSEURS Experi enced preferred or will train. For OPPT.

call 22V MEAT WRAPPER Experienced only. 40 hours, $120. Tues -Sat. No nlte or cooler work. Mario's Choice Meats, noimaei Moimaei.

v46-4svs. MECHANIC EXPERIENCED Sola ry open, all benefits. Apply In person to bervice Monoger, Marborsiae Peu geot, 153 1st Atlantic Highlands. MECHANIC Service station owner looking for person with minimum 3 years' light mechonic at experience for Monmouth County area. Must nave reference, wilt give paid vacation, ooid life insurance, uniforms.

Salary plus commission. Send resume to Avon Shell, Main St. Sylvanla Avon, n.j. Attention tmpioy ment Manager MECHANICS Diesel and or gas Full time, Benefits. Aoolv In person Traders Cove (formerly Pleasure cove marina) womoioking won toloklng.

2V5-2500. MECHANICS Experienced. Top pay. Benefits, incentive, vacation. 566-6700: MOTEL DESK CLERK 3 days, 7 a.m.

to 3 p.m., switcnooara, tignt cier leal, rea 1st ration. References required. Pleasant, alt year. Phone Mz-jtftt oner p.m. MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC First class, with references ONLY.

Top pay filan, hospitalization, vacation, full Ime, year round position. Call Mr. Adomi L222 2262. MUSICIAN Bass plover to com piete club bond. Call Bond Central" 988-7958.

MUSICIAN Keyboards, for serious club group. NO AMATEURS PLEASE. 949 3954 8-4 p.m. 229-2418 5-8 p.m. MUSICIAN Organ, experienced, commercial rock.

After 6, 222-7019 or 787-5023 MUSICIAN Organist. Full time, for working commercial rock group. Call J6-4IH, 264-2652 Or JV-1553. MUSICIANS Band forming, need a lead singer, drums, keyboard. Call JUJV Or J6J-4UM.

MUSICIANS Band forming only serious musicians neea apply, it inter ested call Gary, 367 8328. NURSE AIDES Experienced, good starting salary plus company benefits. Apply in person, Green Grove Convalescent Center, Green Grove ho. kt. Neptune.

NURSE RN Mon. thru Thurs. Apply In person, Director of Nursing, Monmouth Convalescent center, Barn Long orancn NURSE RN, part time, 11 p.m.- 7 Plentant work no conditions Call Eatontown Convalescent Center, 542-470O NURSE, RN OR LNP All shifts Call for interview 775-0554, Ocean rove Nursing Mome NURSE RN or LPN, for part time rtiitv on daw shift, ado Derson, Kt Pleasant Beach Nursing Home, 703 Richmond Pt. Pleasant Beacn. NURSES LPN's Full time, 7 a m.

to 3 p.m. Also part time, all shifts. Skilled nursing unit of The Methodist Home, Ocean Grove, good benefits, please call Mrs. Dunn, RN. 774-1316 NURSES rKTS 3-1 cV 11-7 shift full time, good starting salary plus com pany benefits.

Apply in person, Green Grove Convalescent Center, Green Grove Rd Rt. 66, Neptune. NURSES' AIDES Experienced" only. Full time, 3-1130, every other weekend off. Also weekends only.

Apply In person, Monmouth Convalescent Center, 229 Bath Long Branch. OFFICE WORKER Must like fig ures, some typing, 5 day week, all benefits. Write, giving details, to P.O. Box 287, Spring Lake, N.J. 07762.

OFFICE WORKER Part time, typing, telephone, other office duties. 3 half days, 2 full. 681-6400. OPERATORS Single needle special machine. Also Hoffman pressor for pantsults.

22V-7MM. OUTSIDE COLLECTION REPRESENTATIVE Full or part time. Flexible schedule. Car allowance, -insurance required. Apply In person daily 10-1, Sears, Roebuck 2200 Asbury Neptune.

An Equal Opportunity Empoverj(MFJ PAINT MIXING WORKING FOREMAN mw Experienced in same or related line. Apply Sav-Cote Chemical, 1094 Rt. 9, Lakewood. PANTRY-SALAD For restaurant, full or part time. Call Robert 747-0200 PART TIME HELP For wholesale, retail mall order business.

Work from home. Earn S20O-S800 per mo. Interviews held Apr. 15, 8:30 p.m. Holiday Inn, Rt.

9, Lakewood, Room 2U4. PART TIME SALES Retail furnl-ture experience preferred. Work eves, call 775-5165. PART TIME WORK Full time pay. Work your own hours, no investment, Call Gerry PART TIME Tllo Co.

has openings available for telephone canvassers. Work from our office, Mon. thru 10-2 p.m., $2.10 per hour plus a big commission. Qualified applicants will be trained, but must be able to converse freely on the phone. Call for appt.

531-3200 or apply at 1113 Hwy, 35, An Equal Opportunl ty Employer, PART TIME Exoandlna 120,000 a year business requires ambitious person as associate. Work from own home. Own hours, no investment. Call 364-4887. PART TIME Ticket agent wanted, must be congenial well groomed.

experience preferree but not neces sary. Phone tij bus Terminal, Lake-wood. 363-2950. PART TIME Demonstrate and sell famous brand power lawn mower at local department stores, salary bonus. Call 667-1022, PART TIME Showlna women's products 3 hours, 3 eves a week, $100 up.

Call Donna 899-2395. Coll Gerl 892)809. PART TIME Drapery operator, 15 to 30 hours per week, experience preferred. Freehold TwpHowell area. 431-4551 PART TIME Person to clean sto bles ride horses on trails.

Small salary, Enjoyable work. Reply Press Box 138 Asbury Pork, N.J. 07712. PART TIME ft FULL TIME BARTENDERSBARMAIDS ease apply In person American Hotel, hreenoia. PARTtlME Sell home tire detection systems with nationwide compa ny.

High commission potential. Call 458 3100. AUTOMOTIVE 100 Autos For Srflf 1 10 Irwks ror S.iIh 120 Autos W.tnterl l.O Auto Service 140 ImiIpts l')0 Motorr.yi.les IbO Trji.tors 1 quipnient 180 Auto InsuT.inr.e 190 Auto in.inr in)', 19b Airpl.mes BOATING 200 Accessories 210 Stor.ii'e Servuo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 300 Business Opportunities EMPLOYMENT 400 I niployiTient Afenf 410 Help W.tnted Situations inted 4 iO Situations W.interl 440 Situations Wjnteil FINANCIAL hOO Money W.jntei) blO Money to LOdO Invest 'jJO Motti'des MERCHANDISE 600 I ivestork Pels blO Kirtu equipment Number of Non Commercial Commercial Consecutive Classified Ads Classified Ac Insertions Per Line L'ne D11I Sun DjiIv Sun. 1 7t 74C 8b 88 4 1 lines b0 b3S b8 6U Slimes 37c 40c 42c tbt 30 Tunes 3bf 39e 39 42e 6 Mo. Conhj.

31 1 34 Yearly GontM. 28 31 Non Commerr.idl tjtes upply to pnv.ite individjdls advertising items vdlued dt more trwn $b0 (except for real estdte, apartment rentals and AKC dogs Low Cost "Family Ads" 3 lines 4 days $2 Available to private individuals advertising an item or items priced $S0 (total) or less. Lach additional line $1.00 3 line minimum, words per line, minimum charge $6.00 Service Chdti'e tor Press Box Numbers Replies to be picker) up at otticn: $1 00 To be mailed' $3.00 Deadlines Tuesday Friday m. day preceding publication Saturday Sunday p.m. Fridjy All i.

In their pine' la ii jl dn I'irl In th.j rt'. ul ir Asburv P.irk fit tvr Hull! tn 'lit or I jny'-.ilit1 tie mil not be tor more Hun one itu.otrei.1 insertion Heonti i.liei.k lir-J publn Asbwy parti 444, 443, Sll, Ml, 774, EsfontoM 9 Lmo. tench 222,224,170 Mltnfc 741, 747, 142 Holmd.l Ktontrwg 44S, 717 MiddhKum Matawan 264, S66, SI3, 591, 734 iMKtktMM 446, S36 Faiminadolt FfathaM 431,462, 780 Mfwarm 223, S28 lahwood 363, Tom Kvw 240, 244, 2SS, 264, 270, rt. rWanf 4S8, 477, 842, 899, iMih Haw 244, 442, 494 Iwi.rton 944, 291, 341, 35-Year Old Research Company Needs INTERVIEWERS FOR SURVEYS Pleasant part-time interviewing work to be done in Asbury Park, the rest of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Evening and weekend work will be required.

All door-to-door, no selling of any kind. Pay $2.75 per hour, plus mileage. Equal opportunity employer. Write Air Mail: BELOEN ASSOCIATES Southland Center, DjUm, Texas 75201 sMwds Parii 743, 830 lok.hunt 323, 350, 657 Crankury 195, 6SS HiaMitom a 433, 448 Dial Janwslwrg 521 Now Egypt 758 4llrtown 259 ask to WX-4S60 Asbury Park Press Call Monday-Friday 7:30 A.M. to P.M.

Till 1 1 A.M. Saturday 4t.

Asbury Park Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.